Tim Matuszewski

Profile Updated: May 5, 2021
Residing In New York, NY USA
Spouse/Partner Wife - Alicia
Children N/A
Occupation Co-Founder of Legal Consulting & Aquaculture Firms
Yes! Attending Reunion

I have worked in the legal industry for over 25 years. Consulting & Business Development focusing on technology, information governance, investigations, regulatory compliance, cybersecurity and litigation matters. Professional experience with 5 start-up companies to global professional services firms.

After graduation (MSU), I moved to Chicago and lived there for twelve years, five years in San Francisco and relocated to Manhattan in 2004. We recently moved to Boston for my new start-up ventures - Legal Consulting & Aquaculture Technology.

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Tim Matuszewski updated his profile. View.
May 05, 2021 at 12:34 PM