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•   Paul V Gooch (Gooch)  9/22
•   Anita Harris (Vernon Wilson)  9/22
•   Hope Marie Nelson (Camacho)  9/22
•   Nancy Newton (Young)  9/22
•   Russell L Penn  9/22
•   Katherine L (Kay) Cearley (Payton)  9/25
•   Gary Arthur Goethe  9/26
•   Mary Elizabeth Ehrlich (Lenz)  9/27
•   Debbie Ann Laws (Hallock)  10/9
•   Carl D Hayden  10/10
•   Leslea Kay McCullough (McReynolds)  10/13
•   Michael Richard Ziner  10/17

Reagan-LBJ Class of 1975


Reagan-LBJ Class of 1975


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The celebration is coming!

June 7, 2025

Details coming soon!



John H. Reagan High School opened its doors in the Fall of 1965 in northeast Austin, Texas.  The Reagan school motto, "Not Without Honor" is the official school song sung by students, faculty, and parents at sporting events, pep rallies, graduations, and class reunions.



Not Without Honor

Not without honor
We shall always be
True to our colors
Symbols of our unity
Spirit and victory
Bonds which strongly tie
Our hearts and minds together
Live with Honor
Reagan High!


Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) High School

Opened in the Fall of 1974   

There was no school song for the school year 1974-75 



























































































































