Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 90
     Profile contains photos: 29
     In Memory: 6
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 6
     Military Service: 3
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Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 90    Newest Members: 90    Latest Comments: 4  

Jeff Adams
Indalecio "Lee" Ariza   
Gary Becker
Karen Bell    
Kathy Bell (Cruse'72)   
Steve Benson   
Veta Berry    
Emily Bertholf   
Roy Blizzard    
Larry Bloomquist   
Diehl Boggs
Kevan Bower
Kim Boyle (Burton)   
Brenda Bradshaw (Hernandez)    
Hayden Brooks
Cheryl Bulian (Haak)   
Steve Burt    
Randy Butler   
Kerry Bynes
Mrs. Toody Byrd (Faculty)
Kenny Caldwell   
Ricky Cantu
Janet Carlson   
Bob Cash
Laura Castro ('76) (Trognitz)   
Leigh Cates (Humble 78)
Leslie Cates (Foss'74)    
Charlotte Cauley   
Laurie Cauley (Wright)  
Greg Cavanaugh
Tracy Cavanaugh   
Vi Clark
Michael Clark('71)
Celia Clattenburg
Ann Clift   
Lorena Cobb (Wells)   
Kyle Cole  
Curt Corbitt
Teri Crensahw
Kathy Cunniff   
Bryan Dabbs
Keith Daugherty
Cheryl Davis (Sandefur)  
Tim Davis    
David Depwe    
Michael Diltz    
Victor Dove
Becky Duff (Rippy)    
Shelly Dunn (Applewhite)   
Danae Durio (Diana)   
Pam Ennis
Mike Eshelman
Duana Evans (Evans '77)
Cindy Farley (Burkett)   
Clark Farley
Don Fillenworth    
Judy Fraser (Wesen)  
Barbara Freitag
Danny French
Sherrel Friar
Webb Fry
Marty Geisler (Kanetzky)   
Greg Geisler('72)
Elise Goeth (Schram'77)
Ann Goetzmann
Billy Gossett  
Nancy Grace
Don Gray('72)   
Ky Haire
Jan Harris
Willy Harris
Johnny Harrison   
Donna Hartley (Lucas'72)   
Larry Harvey   
Lisa Hatch (Turner)   
Judy Hawthorn
Reed Hill    
Steve Hines   
Wrennie Hobbs   
Deaun Hoffman
Maury Hughes
Paul Huntsberger'77
Todd Jagger
Willis Jefferies
Bobby Jobes
Minette Jones   
Sean Judd   
Andy Keeter
Nancy Landers (Tilson'72)
Brian Lewis
Travis Lewis'77
Lance Lolley   
David MacIver    
Scott Mackey
Miles Magee   
Bill Maxwell     
Mark McAfee('73)
Karen Kate McAfee('75)    
Claudia McCall (Boze)    
Dalton McCarty
Chip McCormick
Walter McMillan    
Glenn McPhaul (74)   
Lisa Meece (Kish)  
Carolyn Miller
Rip Miller   
Mark Miller('73)    
Ms. Mary Lee Moeller (Faculty)   
Randy Moody (Randy Moody)    
Robin Moore    
Suzy Moore (Mayne)   
Cary Mornig
Mary Jo Mosley
Todd Mount
Cynthia Newsom (Mohle)   
Kimberley Oliver ('74)   
Roy Owen (73)
David Patterson
Terry Pavlica   
Bj Perkins   
Bj Perkins  
Michael Peschka   
Alexia Pesl (Hibbert)
Gatrel Poage (Andrews)   
Pete Polkinghorn   
Chuck Purnell
Kathleen Ramage   
Dave Richter
Jeff Rowland
Benetta Rusk('77)
Denise Rymer (Mandaville)   
Drew Scherz('74)   
Mary Ellen Schlemmer (Barak)  
Alex Schmandt
Lindsey Schnelle
Mr. Eric Schultz (Faculty)
Michelle Seinera (Phung)  
Mike Shoemaker   
Phillip Shurtleff   
Janedda Simmons (Brown '72)    
Jace Simmons('74)   
Mary Smith (Caldwell)
Bill Smith('73)    
Minnie Smykal (Ahlstrand'73)    
Rachel Sornoff   
Cheryl Sparks (Sites)   
Janet Sparks (Tate)   
Marc Sparks
Scott Sparks   
Barb Sprug
Shawn St. Clair   
Pam Stanford
Ann Stegman (Thames)    
Chip Stegman ('73)    
Don Stone    
David Tamminga  
Bill Thompson
Larry Thompson    
Steve Tilson('71)   
Marian Todd
Carla Van Ryswyk (Dillard)   
Becky Voorhis (McClure)   
Don Walker
Pat Walls
Mrs. Betty Ward (Faculty)
Brett Westbrook
Glenn Widener
Sara Willbern (Orth)   
Jerri Woerner (Balboa)   
Keith Wommack
Kevin Wommack
Dan Ziegner   

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