Carol Harris Barber

Profile Updated: March 20, 2024
Residing In Cedar Park, TX USA
Spouse/Partner Carroll Bailey Barber
Occupation Retired US Navy Officer, current Senior Technical Writer
Children Katrina Lynn Barber - born Dec 28, 1989
Military Service CWO2 (Chief Warrant Officer)  
Yes! Attending Reunion

Joined the US Navy in 1973.
Served 20 years.
Stationed in Florida, Iceland, Spain, Japan, Alaska (Aleutian Islands), Texas, Maryland. Visited London, Germany, and Morocco.
Worked in Naval Intelligence in Cryptology.
Married a US Navy man who is also retired and worked in Naval Intelligence in Cryptology.

School Story

I have no stories. I was quiet and invisible.

Carol's Latest Interactions

Mar 20, 2024 at 3:04 PM