Hello to all Reagan Reunion Class of 1966 Site Members from your Class Site Administrator, Chuck Hughes. Hope all of you had a good 2022 and will have a better 2023.
A previous message sent on February 8 asked about interest in having a Spring, April or May 2023, get together at a local Austin restaurant. The replies from our class site members showed good interest in having the event in May 2023.
Since we missed having our 55th Class Reunion due to Covid lockdowns around that time, and our 60th Reunion not until 2026, we are going to have an informal lunch get together on Saturday, May 20, 2023.
Lunch is set for Saturday, May 20, 2023, at Serranos restaurant in South Town Square, 5030 Hwy. 290, Austin, TX 78735, in a private dining room from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
We will have assigned wait staff and a choice of special menu items to provide faster service for our group with separate checks for each attendee.
Funds were available in the Reagan Class Reunion fund to rent the private room in the restaurant, so there is no cost to attend.
Any class site member can attend and bring their spouse or 1 guest (over 21 please). Casual dress.
Please respond to the Activity questions by the deadline to attend this event. We know plans can change before an event, so please let me know if you register for the event but are unable to attend yourself or bring your spouse or guest.
Message me from our Class Reunion site if you have any questions about the event, or you can also call or text me at (512) 470-5934.
Very much looking forward to seeing everyone on May 20 for the Reagan Class of 1966 Spring lunch event.
Chuck Hughes, Class Reunion Site Administrator