Parades and Football


                 Pumpkin Festival 2009


It Rained... but We Shined - Bailey Christmas Parade 2009!!


Semi-Finals 2009 

Go Firebirds! The football team made it to the State Semi-finals - December 4, 2009

Lost in overtime 33-32 ... But what a GREAT GAME!!! Go Firebirds!!

Do you recognize any of these characters found at half-time hanging out? First classmate (not in the picture) to email  the names of this crew in order... will be entered into a drawing that could get you in the class reunion free... drawing to build until October 2010!!!!

We have a WINNER!!! Teresa Murray Hathaway.. Congratulations!!!  We wish you had been there too!!

Brian Marlowe, Benny Stone, Jennifer Purkerson Pitts, Amy Strickland Pearson, Todd Bissette, Robbie Brown, Kevin Marlowe
