Kristen Miguelucci Barnett

Profile Updated: February 25, 2009
Residing In: Thornton, CO USA
Spouse/Partner: Phillip D. Barnett
Homepage: View Website
Occupation: Organizational Change Management Consultant
Children: Currently in the process of adopting a new born
Mugsy (our boxer)

First, I must say I can't believe 20 yrs. have passed since High School - as they say 40 is the new 30, so, we must now all be in our late twenties.

Anyway, since Revere...I have been doing everything I love; which includes travelling, dancing, volunteering, writing, and anything within the outdoors. At Ohio University where I graduated in 1993, I founded and was captain of the dance team, studied abroad twice (once in Mexico and then in Spain), joined EK sorority, was a student government commissioner, published some of my poetry, and graduated with a degree in journalism and creative writing.

In 1997, I moved to Colorado where I went to graduate school at University of Colorado at Denver and graduated in 2000 with two Master Degrees: Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Development. Two-thousand was a big yr. for me because I also married what Phoebe in friends quotes...I married my lobster. Phil is a native Coloradoan, a sports fanatic (he played both football and baseball in college), my soul mate, and the funniest guy I know. He'll always keep me laughing. (I'm sure you'll see his sense of humor at the reunion).

As for my career, I've had a prosperous career as an organizational change management consultant; which has included working at Accenture, being self employed, and working for large companies such as Samsonite and Avaya. My job entails working with executives and helping them through major changes at organizations such as mergers or system changes. This career has provided me great travelling experiences to places such as Germany and Belgium.

Although, more than my regular day job - I can say I'm proud of my volunteer work at the Children's Hospital of Denver with children with Cancer (which I've now done for almost 6 yrs.), my volunteer work with Haven's Hope (which works with families and children of domestic violence), my still being part of an adult dance troupe (which you may see us on a new reality show...I'll provide updates when I hear more), and living in Colorado (which I swear is the adult's playground of hiking, skiing, white water rafting, parachuting, etc)

So skipping to 2009, Phil and I are also hoping 2009 will be as big a year as 2000...we have one baby (our Dog Mugsy..AKA - The Mugs Man), however, we're in the process of adopting a new born, we have a trip planned in May to Thailand (not where we're adopting, but it will be one final hoorah prior to baby time), and, of course, we have the reunion - Yippee!! (Look forward to seeing everyone and how much you've grown or not and who is getting grey hairs (UGH!)

BTW...Bath schoolers (Do you remember Elizabeth Berry and Kristin Klein - I reunited with them on Facebook and will also be visiting them when in Ohio...can't wait!!)

Until August, I hope everyone stays happy and healthy! See you soon!

School Story:

1) Trips to Akron U. with Scott Lindbergh, Cindy Raudebush, and David Killean

2) Senior Year Summer - Working at the water-slide park and going to the Flats

Most embarrassing moment: For my 18th B-Day, Scott had a singing telegram sent to me in the cafeteria

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Posted: Mar 10, 2014 at 12:00 AM
