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to the official web site of the
Bellevue Senior High School Class of 1970

55 Year Class Reunion
May 2 & 3, 2025
Stay Tuned for More Details

Once a Chieftain, always a Chieftain!!

This site was created to help promote, celebrate and reconnect with classmates. Your participation is essential for it to succeed. We need your photos, updates, and memories to enhance the site. Your fellow classmates will enjoy hearing about you. Even if you haven't attended a reunion, nor kept in touch since high school, we ask that you please take the time to update your profile and maybe add a photo or two. Your additions will make this site fun, interesting and complete.

If this is your first visit, to get you started, please click on How to Join Website on the left side of this page.



Hail the Purple and the White,
Hail our colors true.
Keep the name of Bellevue’s fame,
To Her be ever true.
Bellevue High look to the sky,
Your emblem reigns supreme.
We’re loyal, true and faithful to you,
Dear old Bellevue High.


The purple and the white,
Stand for Bellevue High.
Colors of our school and emblem,
Of our faith in you -- GO BELLEVUE!
We'll cheer for you, Bellevue, Forever and a day.
For in our hearts we're yours,
So, Hail to you, We'll cheer for you, Bellevue!




Please take a few minutes to visit the "In Memory" section.  Registered alumni can add personal stories or comments about our classmates and teachers by clicking on 'Post Response'. We encourage family or friends to provide information about classmates no longer with us.   






In order to ensure you receive important messages from our class web site, as well as messages sent directly to you from other Classmates, it's important you whitelist the email address (that's a .net, not a .com).  Whitelisting means you are telling your email program to accept all emails coming from our class web site.  The technique for whitelisting varies by email program, but generally you will see the term "Whitelist", "Safe List", or "Safe Sender's List". This is where you want to be sure you have added the email address Be assured that all emails sent through our site are valid — you will not receive spam email.  Whitelisting is the single most important thing you can do to ensure you don't miss anything happening on our site or miss receiving your emails from your fellow Classmates.  Stop and take a moment to whitelist right now, and ensure you stay connected!
