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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 25.5%

A:   94   Joined
B:   275   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Joel Cowger  9/15
•   Richard Cohen  8/30
•   Linda Materna  2/16
•   Cheryll Rabin (Plotkin)  6/20
•   David Howe  3/1
•   Lanny Goodman  11/17
•   Kathryn Newquist (Davolos)  10/6
•   Stephen Hirasuna  9/28
•   Al Thurley  8/23
•   John Hansen  5/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
6 live in Arizona
33 live in California
13 live in Colorado
8 live in Connecticut
1 lives in Delaware
3 live in District Of Columbia
11 live in Florida
5 live in Georgia
8 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
26 live in Illinois
4 live in Indiana
3 live in Iowa
4 live in Kansas
2 live in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
7 live in Maine
11 live in Maryland
25 live in Massachusetts
6 live in Michigan
12 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
9 live in Missouri
6 live in New Hampshire
7 live in New Jersey
4 live in New Mexico
18 live in New York
8 live in North Carolina
5 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
12 live in Oregon
9 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
1 lives in South Carolina
10 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
4 live in Vermont
15 live in Virginia
15 live in Washington
36 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in British Columbia
2 live in Australia
1 lives in Bolivia
1 lives in France
2 live in Germany
1 lives in Japan
1 lives in Switzerland
2 live in United Kingdom
1 location unknown




At last - an in person event on campus. This unofficial photo shows those classmates who made it to an 8:40 am Saturday photo shoot. Classmates can share their own photos in the Photo Gallery or share impressions on the Reunion 2022 impressions page. 

Check out news from the virtual reunion events of Sept. 25 - 26 on the Event Information page. 


 to the Class of 1970 50th Reunion  Online

Our 50th Reunion website is an exciting way to reconnect and rediscover what the Class of 1970 has been doing since we last met. You can share ideas and news here. It all starts with your Profile.

Getting Started: Create your Profile and login password. Click Classmates Profiles (tab at left) or Join Here (upper right Sign-In box). Find your name on the list. Click it. Follow the 4-Step Profile Wizard prompts. Upload photos and/or videos. Write captions or comments.

Need Help Using this website?  Click Site Use Information on the menu at the left of the page for instructions and problem solving.. You can always come back later to expand or edit your Profile. 

*This site works best through Chrome or Firefox. If you are having issues with Safari, the site should work if you check to allow cookies in your settings. 

-  Go to Classmates not signed up (left sidebar menu)  to see a list  classmates who have not yet joined.  If you are in contact with any of the "missing" let them know about our site and encourage them to join.

-  Check out Where Are They Now? or Where We Live on the right side of this page to see where classmates reside.

-  Follow and post comments on the General Discussion page on just about any topic. Although “politics” is not verboten, we’re hoping for healthy and civil discourse relating in some way to the College and its graduates. Your contributions will make these forums much more interesting. 

- Interested in connecting with classmates on Facebook? Look no further than our class Facebook group!

- Are you bursting with ideas for your class reunion? Submit them via our idea form!

Note: We could use help keeping this going. Remember the old party line telephone operators?  If you love connecting, listening and adding a few thoughts here and there...pitch in!  We will love you back. 
