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07/16/08 04:15 PM #1    

Greg Potts

Welcome to the Berea High School Class Of 1989 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

10/21/08 08:32 PM #2    

Christine Niswender

Tag - you're it!

01/23/09 04:55 PM #3    

Carolyn A Sharp

Someone mailed this to me ages ago and I had fun with it. Thought I'd pass it on in case someone has a few hours to kill...

80's Music Quiz

05/24/09 01:02 PM #4    

Heidi Cermak (Kisela)

Does anyone know where Jim Krause is? Or Kelly Wargo? I would love info on both/either. Thanks.

Heidi Kisela (Cermak)

06/16/09 04:55 PM #5    

David M Ball

Friday night social @ 8:00PM on Tony K's back patio... Have a reservation for 50 (to start, can add or subtract as needed)... Reservation is under David Ball/BHS 89'... They will move us indoors to the back lounge if the weather is not cooperating...

08/13/09 12:30 PM #6    

Kristine Pawlowski (Netzel)

Does anyone have pictures from the reunion that they wouldn't mind posting? I was not able to make it and it would be great to see some pictures. Thanks

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