Jessica Clark Burton

Profile Updated: December 13, 2015
Jessica Clark
Jessica Clark


Jessica Clark


Jessica Clark


Yes! Attending Reunion
Class Year: 1983
Residing In: Southaven, MS USA
Occupation: Memphis Police Major
Children: Adam, born 1988 & Austin, born 1991
Your Wenonah Community:

East Brownsville (The Camp)

After Wenonah:

I attended Antelope Valley Jr. College in Antelope Valley, California from 1983-1985. I moved to Memphis, Tennessee and became a Police Officer in 1986, currently employed at the rank of Major. I am assigned to the Traffic Station as the Alpha/Bravo Watch Commander over Special Traffic Investigation Squad
(fatality & critical crashes), D.U.I Unit and Motorcycle Squad. I received my B.A. in Applied Psychology from Christian Brothers University in 2005.

Wenonah Memories:

I enjoyed building a miniature electric chair in Mr. Hubbard's electronics class. We "electrocuted" a doll in it. Remember Ms. Juanita sold candy? She would lock her door and embarrass you if you knocked on it after the bell rang. If you didn't know the answer to a geometry problem she'd embarrass you, so I paid attention! Ms Bailey had we crying laughing one day after she talked about a girl for wearing a mini skirt and stockings with ashy legs. I think that girl wore pants for the remainder of the year. Remember when Mr. Hawkes and McClure roamed the halls with the "board do education?" Lastly, I remember long, hot days practicing on Lawson State's parking lot.

Jessica's Latest Interactions

Dec 13, 2015 at 12:30 PM
Dec 04, 2015 at 10:36 AM
Jessica Clark Burton changed her "Then" picture.
Dec 04, 2015 at 10:25 AM
Jessica Clark Burton changed her "Now" picture.
Dec 04, 2015 at 10:05 AM
Jessica Clark Burton changed her profile picture.
Dec 04, 2015 at 10:00 AM