In Memory

James "Jim" Henry Wruck

James Jim Henry Wruck

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12/21/20 10:44 AM #1    

Robb Larson

So sorry to hear that my old friend Jim Wruck passed this week. Jim was a hard working and fun loving guy, always up for some new shenanigans. As teenagers just out of high school and a new freshman at MSU I ended up being a roomie with Jim, along with Doug Robinson and a few others rotating through at the Palmer house where Bob tried (often unsuccessfully!) to keep things under control. Lots of fun memories of backyard volleyball and tackle football games, exploring back roads and mountain trails, concerts and music festivals, late night dining at Manny's and the 4Bs, and those parties - whew! So many stories, with lots of them not suitable for public posting... I will say that it was probably good that Bozeman was such a gentle and accommodating place in those days. Running into Jim randomly in the past few years always resulted in at least a half-hour of chat and lots of reminiscing & laughter, whether on the steps of Ace Hardware or at a music event or wherever. Jim was a loving husband, father and grandfather, a good and kind hearted man. He'll be missed. 

12/22/20 05:08 PM #2    

Doug Chandler (Chandler)

Hardworking, fun-loving, dedicated husband, father, and grandfather are all things that come to my mind about Jim Wruck. He was always interested and able to take the time for friends and I always enjoyed talking with him.  My condolences to his family.  He will be missed.


12/22/20 08:26 PM #3    

Jay Shilhanek

I met Jim in Mr. Barnett's consumer education class.  We found mischief just going out to research these new appliances called microwaves.  I guess that kind of dates us all.  Jim was the most generous guy I knew.  He'd give you the shirt off his back then go and buy you another one to make sure you were covered.  We would pack his car to go to music events - no trip was too far. We would pack his car to go other places - no trip was too short.  Lunch club anyone? Watch out Mr Lemm.

He was a hard worker, starting with overnight shifts at the 4Bs and ending with all his construction activities.  He was a bit of a gangly guy who grew up to be a brick of a man with strong hands and back.  We worked together one summer with his dad, Hank, removing civil defense supplies from the bomb shelters located around town.  It was evident that they had a special bond. That  job was one of the best for me.

We never did start that accounting firm we talked about in our bookkeeping class, but I think he was much happier working outside construction jobs and excavating building stone.  I hope he is a happy guy wherever he is;  I miss him already.

12/23/20 10:44 AM #4    

Ken Hunt

As with so many BSHS classmates, I first met Jim when we converged into Wilson Middle School out of the various Bozeman elementary schools.  Roughly 50 years ago this month, I remember meeting up with Jim and other bubs every day over the Christmas holiday break for recreation basketball in the Wilson gym, organized by our old buddy, PE teacher Glenn Hatleberg.  Wrong footed that lefty layup? Hippity Hop to the Barbershop!

As others have noted, years of hijinks and great memories ensued with Julius through junior high, high school and beyond.  A personal favorite that Jay didn't mention: when he and Jim were replenishing civil defense supplies in Bozeman's fallout shelters as a summer job (greatest boomer gig ever?), they liberated a few 50s era Bozeman Police Department helmets found in one of the shelters--leading to a "put on the helmet!" penalty for party fouls incurred during the rain forest keggers of the day.

You were truly an original character Jim -- your wry smile and laugh, your love of adventure, your warmth and generosity of spirit will be missed...RIP my friend. 

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