Missing Alumni

If you know where these Kixter Alumni are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Kixter Alum below you can click on the Kixter Alum's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Select Year of Graduation. If your year isn't displayed and you want to join, add yourself here.
Grace Balsley (2020)
Justice Blowers (2017)
Macy Clough (2020)
Davon Epps (2018)
Mariah Erickson (2020)
Mackenzie Grams (2019)
Chloe Hollen (2017)
Kalie Jeremiason (2018)
Test Kickin (Kixter) (2013)
Hannah Paysee (2020)
Ariana Rodahl (2017)
Olivia Sedlachek (2018)
Harlie Speaker (2020)
Samantha Steichen (2019)
Marcy Stout (2018)