Joel Herche

Profile Updated: June 3, 2010
Joel Herche
Residing In: Lodi, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Martine
Occupation: College Professor
Children: five sons all born between 1985 and 1993, all still talking to me. I will soon have in my family a More…politician, an actor, a lawyer, a digital artist and a classical violinist.
Yes! Attending Reunion

The French girl I married 27 years ago still says she loves me. I have a wonderful life in Central California. I have nothing but gratitude for my occupation(s) and family life. My Creator has indeed been good to me.

School Story:

I remember when the East High Knight was stolen and brought back to West as a trophy of our creative genius. No, it wasn't me. Actually, it was stolen at least twice that I know of. Foolish teens we were indeed.
