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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Georgia
10 live in Illinois
18 location unknown
1 is deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 41.9%

A:   13   Joined
B:   18   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to the Roosevelt Elementary High Class Of 1993 web site. Add any additional home page content here...



Fellow Classmates,

 Time has certainly flown by. It seems that it was only a few years ago when we first met at Roosevelt Elementary School. During our first days on the “yard” we were able to develop life-long relationships and begin the transition to adulthood. Our experiences molded us and prepared us for the lives we now currently enjoy. It is not very difficult to remember dances in Gym, and Talent Shows. These mutual experiences developed a special bond between classmates and all members of the Raiders Family. We now have an opportunity to celebrate this unique experience with our 16th Class Reunion.


Please consider this letter an invitation to participate in the planning and organization of our reunion. The final decision will be based on feedback received from class members. We would also ask that class members provide their preferred e-mail addresses, phone numbers and  mailing addresses. This will lessen the correspondence cost. It is our goal to ensure that we do not let another significant anniversary pass without celebration. We hope that many others will join in the planning and participation. Please forward notification of your interest or suggestion to one of the following contacts:


Marissa Rouse -----


Latrina Weaver-Dobbs-----


Antoinette Moore-Manning



Please take time to review and critique the proposed schedule of activities. Look forward to seeing you soon.




Thank You,

Latrina Weaver-Dobbs


We are currently assembling a memory book to distribute at the reunion.   The idea is that a ½ page will be devoted to each classmate, wether or not they plan on attending the event.  We will include then and now photos, as well as some biographical data.  In order for your information to be included in the book, you need to submit your entry online at no later than March 15, 2010
Classmates who do not attend can receive copies upon request.  Please let us know in advance if you are interested, so that we may order an accurate number of copies.

We are able to provide the books to classmates for $10, due to the generosity of those who have placed ads in the book.  When you receive your copy, please take the time to check out the ads.  These businesses are supporting us; let's try to support them! 
