50th Reunion

Reunited And It Feels So Good!

Thanks to the following for donations and/or help from:

Jerry Adams

Darla Atkinson

Cheryl Black

George Booth

Sherry Brestel

Pam Campbell

Cherie Carle

Barb Cramer

Jeanette Denson

Ron & Pat Embree

Jim Farritor

Janie Hill

Kathy Holley

Terri Horton

Roxanne & Eldon Housley

Linda Jezbera

Tim Kingston

Roger May

Norm McCaslin

Susan McCrory

Don Ramsey

Patty Reed

Diane Ruff

Judy Russell

John & Mary Sickler

Deb Tanner

Sharon Tonsing

Coleen Wendland

Roger Wenquist


Note:  If you donated and are not on this list, please contact Darla or Cheryl to be added.


