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10/30/08 12:05 AM #1    

Richard Montenegro

Well I have to thank Gene for reminding me it has been 20 years. Looks like we all turned into official adults. Awesome Tori for putting this up.

02/03/09 11:19 AM #2    

Dawn Shady (Reuter)

Let me know if you want me to get in touch with anyone who is still at the high school.

02/06/09 04:42 PM #3    

Camy Schwam (Schwam-Wilcox)

Hello to everyone! Olivia told me about this site and it is GREAT! I have been trying to find info on the reunion since I missed the 10 year. I got married the same weekend....

Hope everyone is doing GREAT and I look forward to hearing from you guys!


04/16/09 11:49 AM #4    

James Liggon

I'm looking for our class year book. Anyone has one that they want to sell?

08/29/09 12:31 AM #5    

Tori Polonski (Torres)

Great News!!! Mr. and Mrs. Wilner will be attending the cocktail hour on Saturday night at the West Sayville Country Club. They said they do not plan to stay for dinner, so be sure to be there early if you want to say hello. He looks forward to seeing everyone!

10/06/09 10:48 PM #6    

Tori Polonski (Torres)

If you have photos of Nicole Ramos, please bring them (framed) with you to the Saturday night event. You will be able to take them home with you. Thanks!

10/27/09 08:17 PM #7    


Deborah Reynolds

Had a great time at the reunion especially all the side splitting laughs with Elliot. You guys are a pissa!! I really had alot of fun that weekend and I hope that we all keep in touch!!

06/18/12 11:06 AM #8    


Deborah Reynolds

Unfortunately with great sadness we have lost our dear classmate Elliot Smith to a motorcycle accident.  If anyone would like to send a donation to the family contact Rosalyn Smith via facebook or send her an email at

Debbie Reynolds

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