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01/22/09 06:30 PM #1020    

Stephanie Williams (Bradford)

I just got off the phone with LaWanda and I simply can not believe it! Craig will always be the Craig I remember from high school. Never a dull moment, always a joke and a smile for everyone. For years I've been out of touch with everyone I was close to in high school and after so many years, am finally finding those friends again. I missed the reunion and now it saddens me doubly because I missed an opportunity to see for the last time a really terrific person. My heart aches for Craig, for his family and everyone close to him all these years. I will keep him and his family in my thoughts and my prayers.

01/22/09 06:49 PM #1021    

Delores Mullen (Scuffham)

Hey everyone. As I spoke with Christy this morning (I had my phone was upstairs last night), my heart was broken into a million pieces. Oh so many times we try and fill a void that is in our lives and we turn to substance abuse or sexual exploitations to fill us. But the fact of the matter is that that void can only be filled with Jesus Christ!! My heart rejoices with you! Thank you for your testimony. I know I've done some preaching to you in the past, but know it was only because I loved you! The Word says that one plants the seed, another waters, but GOD gives the increase. I praise God for you! I can't stop crying! lol! Let your light so shine before have become a beacon of Light that Christ might shine through you! Continue to share your life's story and His saving Grace! You walked the path that you chose and now you can take those experiences to the hurting and share Christ with them. See...those characteristics of boldness come through even through Salvation. I love you Chris! An eternity awaits for us....bringing glory and honor to an Almighty God!

01/23/09 06:50 PM #1022    

Dave Brummel

I did Craig's viewing today.

My wife and I picked up my Mom and Dad and I was doing ok. I had been doing ok the past day or so. Ya know, trying to be real strong and all that. Trying to stay up-beat and keep on moving on.

Even when I got to the funeral home at 4p, I was still doing good. I was even holding up ok when I walked into the viewing room. It was as beautiful as it could be. Well decorated with my flowers standing guard with all the other awesome flower arrangements crowded in there. There were old pictures of Craig in frames on a table and a digital slide show going on the flat screen overhead to put them all in motion. I was actually still doing ok at this point. Although the surreal feeling was closing in. I saw Mr. Shomake and Ted sitting off to the left side. I was still doing ok. Then I gave Mr. Shoemake a big hug and was beginning to feel my strength go. Once I got to Ted, it was over. I held Ted a long time. He was the closest thing to Craig I had left since they are kindred spirits.

Now, at this point, I am not doing so good. As I am moving toward Craig, I am really not doing good at all! I was crying uncontrollably! It's never easy to see someone you know this way but to see a best friend! I laid some photos in with him of he, Glenn and I and one from my parents famous Halloween party from this past October. I also put a picture of a portrait painting that he began for me one day. It's of me in a spiderman outfit. He gave it to me months ago for me to finish as I liked. While there I asked him what he wants me to do with it and should I finish it? I am hoping that I will somehow get an answer.

With about all I could handle and blubbering like a child, I ran into Michele Harris-Logan on my way out the viewing room door. I gave her the biggest hug ever! At that moment, I had broken what strength she had been trying to hold up over the past day also. She was trying so hard to be so strong. And she was doing great until she ran into me.

I am going to miss Craig. I am going to miss him forever.

01/23/09 08:11 PM #1023    

Donna Moore (Whiting)


01/24/09 03:27 AM #1024    

Dorene Chronister (Southern)

Hi everyone..sorry to be writing under these circumstances. My sympathies go out to all on behalf of Craig. He will be sorely missed. I wanted to attend the funeral later on today but had some church functions going on today that I cannot miss. By the time I get out, it will be too late to drive to Buford to attend. So for that I'm truly sorry. You all will be in my heart, thoughts and prayers over the next several weeks as well as the entire Shomake Family. I had just talked to Craig less than two weeks ago. I'm completely in shock right now. He was upbeat and chipper as always.
I enjoyed reading all your comments and testimonies. Craig was our friend and an attribute to all! May he rest in peace! Love to you all, Dorene

01/24/09 07:48 AM #1025    

Chris Stephens

Dave, I hate that I missed them hugs buddy. I did not get off work till 12 pm yesterday and then had to go back in at 7 pm last night.....but my alarm is set for 11am today (Sat and it's 7:45am, I just got home from work). I hope I can hold up bro.....but like you, I know seeing Ted is going to KILL ME!! I guess I will take my snot rag!! This sucks and hurts and I haven't even viewed Craig yet. HOLD ON.......the tears are rolling now. Hope to slobber on a few of you today. LOVE Y'ALL!!

01/24/09 02:49 PM #1026    

Chris Stephens

Just got back from viewing Craig. Was glad I got there early, Ted and Mr. Shomake were in great spirits. We laughed and reflected on Craig. Got to see Robert Thomason (thank the LORD), saw Angel Gentry too. The picture show on the tv was a very nice addition. But I had to leave as the tears were getting more and more common from everyone. Everyone knew it was getting closer to the time to say goodbye. Made sure I gave Ted a big hug before I left.....he told me that things were getting ready to get rough. My GOD be with the Shomake family. Please everyone remember them in your prayers tonight!



01/26/09 08:48 AM #1027    

Donna Moore (Whiting)

It was great seeing everyone at the viewing. I really, really was gonna go to the funeral. I even made it to the front door of Flanigans, but I just couldn't go in. I don't handle that part very well. I feel bad, but it would have taken me 2 weeks to get back to normal!

Let it be known - I want jokes told at my funeral, NO Amazing Grace song. Instead how about something like "Red Neck Woman" or something with some up-beat. The only other request is to make sure my list of ex's gets some of my ashes in their own personal urn (or Ziploc or whatever)!

01/26/09 09:38 AM #1028    

Craig Shomake

Booooo, it's Craig's ghost posting!

Sorry, this is Ted. First thanks for all of you who showed up at the viewing and the funeral. We appreciated the outpouring of support and expressions of love for Craig very much. He was a piece of work and I think we succeeded in honoring him the best way we could. I can't believe I made it through speaking without breaking up completely (my wife lost that bet).

Craig had been in recovery for the past year and a half. He'd been sober before, but I think this was the first time he was ever actually getting better and committed to it. He had such a gentle spirit and it killed him to be so dependent on something external. He had oral surgery the week before his death and unfortunately, they prescribed him Oxycontin (coming soon to a trailer park near you). I personally think that with his addict's brain, he just thought he could handle taking it for the pain. He relapsed with alcohol right after, the first time in almost two years. He was sober the next day and was so ashamed of himself, the first time I've ever seen that reaction. With his issues, he couldn't stay sober for the next couple of days. Unfortunately, he took a bad fall and the trauma is what did him in. Had it been 2 years ago, I would say alcohol killed him. Now, I say it was the fall.

Honestly, I think God knows better than we do and has a purpose for taking Craig now. He was such a great help to my dad over the last few months and Craig had become so committed to momma and her care, I personally think God loved Craig too much to let him witness the remainder of her slow decline (at least it used to be slow). Abba Father is good that way and I'm glad He protected Craig from it.

Again, if you guys had an 18 year reunion, you probably wouldn't have seen him. With him making so much progress and feeling so good (he'd really been taking care of himself (he had a number of physical problems from the years of abusing his body), he was so happy to help organize the reunion and had such a great time. You all meant a great deal to him; he was lucky to have had so many people both for him to care for and who cared for him.

Dave Brummel, I am so thankful for your sticking with Craig during his struggles. There weren't a lot of people with whom he was comfortable enough to allow them to help carry his load. You were a true friend. He spoke about you often and I know he loved you.

Oh, by the way, as the hearse turned the final corner on the way to the cemetery, the motorcycle officer was there on the corner saluting as it went by, dropping the salute as the hearse passed (I got to see it because we were in the family car right behind). I'm sure Craig was tickled pick and got one last laugh.

01/27/09 10:49 AM #1029    

Donna Moore (Whiting)

Tommy and I went to the Shomakes last night. Ted, admire your strength. Our conversation has busted me wide open. Tommy - couldn't have happened without you.
Don, the will of God won't take where the grace of God can't comfort you. Joanne - joanne, joanne, joanne, You hang in there guys.

And Jeff - good to see you again. Since you apparently read this forum here is my email - Thanks for the invite; I'll stop by sometime in the next few weeks

And to Monkey - Pbththth! Big ole raspberry lol

01/28/09 04:14 PM #1030    

Starla Smith (Johnson) all I can say.

I have been very sad since hearing of Craig's passing. I don't like funeral homes, don't like's just a thing I don't do unless absolutely necessary. My dad is dying now. I will NOT be in the viewing room. My family will make me be at the funeral home, but I will be out in the lobby. I'm so sorry I couldn't come to the funeral or the viewing but I was thinking very much of Craig and our past laughs and conversations.

I remember seeing Craig several years ago and the library in Buford and how EXCITED I was to see him. He was so adorable and so happy and funny and we had the best 30 minutes together. I'll never ever forget him!!!! I only got to spend a few minutes with him at the reunion and so wish now I had spent more with him.

Even though I had only seen him a few times over the past 20 years, time waiting to see him again will be missed.

I'm not sure what's wrong with Craig's mother, but for Ted and the rest of the thoughts are strongly with you. My dad is home with hospice and is passing away more everyday and it's the hardest thing I've ever had to deal (if you call it dealing) with in my life. There's not much anyone can say that helps...but it's a part of life and I'm just thankful I get to be my daddy's daughter!!!

Chris....Words can't express how happy I am for you. Since I know God is listening to you right now...please pray for me and my family. God and I aren't too tight right now....I sorta feel like Donna....totally unworthy...but I'm sooo thrilled for you!!!! Be Strong, Be Light, and Be Happy!!! I love you man!!!!

01/29/09 04:25 PM #1031    

Donna Moore (Whiting)

Hey Starla! LaWanda and I were just talking about you a few weeks ago. (I work with her now) Craigs mom has Alzheimers and its moving thru her pretty quick. She has no idea what is going on. The deterioration is now starving the portion of the brain that controls muscle movements so her walking is getting a little shaky.

Watching a love one deminish with no hopes of springing back is excrutiating. Dr. Kevorkian is not so bad! If its good enough for dogs, why not people?

01/30/09 07:26 AM #1032    

Starla Smith (Johnson)

Ohhh Donna, you are not kidding. While I was with my dad last night, I noticed that he's very jaundice now!!! I just feel soooo helpless that I can't do anything...and I always thought Hospice was a good thing, but now I'm pretty sure it's the most evil organization around....knowing that they can't do anything, but wanting something to be done, you know???? I just asked if they could please give him fluids, he's not eating or drinking very much at all, and he's in renal failure, and they say he needs fluids....but oooohhhh nooooo...they won't give him iv fluids at home. Really pisses me off!!!!

01/31/09 09:38 PM #1033    

Erica Martin

Have you looked into inpatient hospice? My grandfather was admitted at Lanier Park hospital, and when the doctors coulnd't do anything else they called in hospice. The group allowed him to stay in the same room. Which was a blessing. He had, had two days of really suffering, and couldn't get easy. The only time he seemed at peace was when we would sing to him or someone would pray. It was so hard to watch, but once hospice stepped in they met with us and told us their job was to make sure he didn't suffer anymore. He had renal failure complicated by congestive heart failure and they inserted a catheter which helped some of the fluids that were hurting him to drain. They also gave him something for pain and anxiety which really eased his suffering. Before they stepped in he kept begging God to "help him get out" then he would quote scripture, and finally call for my grand mother. Hospice told us to tell him it was okay to go. Sure enough when my Nanny leaned in his ear told him she loved him and she would miss him terribly, but if he had to go to go on and she would join him shortly. He never even tried to draw another breath and went very peacfully. Our experience with hospice was good. They eased his pain and were a comfort to us. I might look for another group. I know how hard it was to watch him suffer before they stepped in. You and your whole family are in my prayers, and if I can do anything to help do not hesitate to call on me day or night.

02/03/09 11:26 AM #1034    

Starla Smith (Johnson)

Hey Erica,
Thank you for your words of comfort. We have hospice at home and I'm just ANGRY. Period!!!! My dad is feeling okay for now...but he's on heavy doses of least he can still talk and laugh. But we were told on Friday that he probably has less than 2 weeks left. I just go over there all that I can and every night...knowing it could be my last hug and kiss and laugh with him. Just pray for my family!!! Thank you!!!

02/04/09 12:15 PM #1035    

Tammie Wheeler (Kennedy)

I am so sorry to hear about your dad.
I think about he and your mom every time I go by their home driving down Thompson Mill. I think about how it's been since I've seen them. They were always so good to me.
Please tell them I said hello. And if there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to call me. 770-342-8400.

02/08/09 08:20 PM #1036    

Erica Martin

It is so hard watching someone you love suffer!!! I know Papa suffered several months, and since I KNEW he was ready to go it was almost a relief to know that he when he passed he wasn't going to have to fight for every breath. Now don't think I mean loosing him doesn't hurt. I feel like someone has opened up a big hole inside of me that will never be filled again, but I know he is no longer hurting and that helps ease the pain. You and all of your family will be in my prayers. I pray that God will make his crossing easy and that he will give you peace that passes all understanding!!!

Love you girl!!

02/14/09 03:38 PM #1037    

Sheila Bailey

Hello Everyone-
I'm just hearing about Craig. WOW, I'm sorry about that and I send my love and prayers to his family. I was totally unaware of Craig and what he was going through but bless his heart. Wow.............I'm still at a lost of words. Love to you all............

02/14/09 08:29 PM #1038    

Cynthia Boyd

Hi everyone, Hope everyone is doing good. I havent been on the site in awhile. I didnt know about Craig until today. I am so sorry, he was a great guy in school. He always made me laugh. My prayers are with his family. Starla girl, I will pray for you, I know how it is to lose a family member. I lost my day back in 2005. I stayed with him for a year before he past. Boy it is the hardest thing to see them like they are. But enjoy the time you do have with them. I was daddys girl, I stood with him until the last minute. I am here for you girl if you need someone to talk to. Love Cindy

03/07/09 10:00 PM #1039    

Sheila Bailey

Starla darlin'. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. My prayers are with you and your family and I'll be sure to lift you all up in my prayers. If there is anything I can do to help you............please let know. 770.374.1677. Love ya GURL!

03/10/09 10:17 PM #1040    

Erica Martin

I just read about your Daddy. I am so sorry! You are all in my prayers. Love you girl!

04/05/09 09:32 PM #1041    

Christy Bridges (Pirkle)

Hello everyone.... I just wanted to ask all of you to keep our niece, Bethanie Pirkle, in your prayers. She has been diagnosed with cancer in her spine. She has tumors in her spinal sac and it isn't looking good. She will be going through chemo soon... please just pray for her healing. She is 3-1/2 yr. old.... just a baby.....

04/06/09 12:15 PM #1042    

Donna Moore (Whiting)

OMG! That is awful. Don't know if my prayers will make it but I'll certainly give it a shot. You might need a few sent up for you too. Its always harder on the family than the victim.

04/08/09 12:53 AM #1043    

Stephanie Williams (Bradford)

Christy, I am so sorry that poor child is having to endure such a horrible disease! I will most definitely keep her and your family in my prayers.

05/23/09 02:17 AM #1044    

Christy Bridges (Pirkle)

Update on our niece Bethanie.... she is undergoing chemo every week..... she is doing great. She is a trooper. Her hair hasn't come out and she hasn't been sick.... she has only had a low grade fever so far from the chemo....please keep her in your prayers.

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