Brennan Boettcher

Profile Updated: February 16, 2009
Residing In: Bellingham, WA USA
Occupation: sales
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



Wow, twenty years is fast. I got my BA in Psychology at WWU in 1996 and have followed my dreams in the beer business since then. Look forward to seeing some old familiar faces this July!

School Story:

I remember the first weekend with my driver license: Rob Nunweiler and I headed to Bellingham to hang out and after minutes in town a bicyclist went flying over the hood of my Chevy Malibu....the dude flew off his bike and landed on the sidewalk, got up and got his bike off the street and proceeded back to the sidewalk where he laid flat on his back. About five of his friends came running and instead of waiting for a trial by his peers I drove down the road wondering what on earth I was going to do! Lucky for me I returned and identified myself as the driver and even luckier a tavern owner who had seen the accident had told the police that I was not at fault. Talk about a scary first week driving!

Another funny (and rather scarring!) memory I have is being in Jazz band playing trumpet senior year. No one wanted to play first chair so I was recruited even though I hadn't touched the trumpet since 6th grade. During a jazz band competetion in Mt. Vernon we were playing a piece that had a trumpet note that jumped up about 5 octaves....instead of hitting the note, my trumpet let out a wail that sounded like a sick horse. I am sure that this incident made me anxious about public performance for years, but now I can look back on it and laugh.

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