Connie Carle McCauley

Profile Updated: April 21, 2009
Residing In: Boulder, MT USA
Spouse/Partner: Steve McCauley
Occupation: Kindergarten Teacher
Children: We have 2 awesome kids. Carter is 6 and was born May 20, 2002. He is in 1st grade. Carter is involved More…in wrestling where he earned "Most improved wrestler in the PeeWee Division" this year.
Emma is 4 and was born January 24, 2005. She is a fireball and thinks she is the boss. Emma just started gymnastics in February and has proven to be very athletic, able to do a cartwheel after just 3 practices! We have my 10 year old black lab named Jackson who still wants to think he is 5 and Steve's 11 year old cat named Ace who gets along great with the dog and tolerates the kids very well.
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Attending Reunion



After high school I spent 2 years attending Montana Tech. I then went to Western and received my Elementary Degree. My husband was at Western the same time but we never knew each other even though I knew all his friends and he knew all my friends. (To this day, I have no idea how our paths never crossed.) After college, I moved back to Butte and subbed for a while but didn't like it too much. I worked for a Veterinary hospital for about 1 1/2 years then moved in to Customer Service at the then Montana Power Company. It was then I met Steve. His cousin (a friend of mine) got married. We met at the reception. We met in 1999, engaged in 2000 and married June 16, 2001. Fall of 2001 I started teaching Kindergarten and I haven't left. Steve teaches science at the High School. He is an avid hunter and fisherman, loves to snowmobile and hike. In the summer, I take time off while I send my husband to work on a ranch. He has worked every summer for the same family since he graduated from Boulder High school (the apple never falls far from the tree).

School Story:

To me, High School is a blur. I remember one time in Math, we had a student teacher. He had a very annoying habit of clearing his throat or saying "um", I can't remember which. Gary Kane and I had enough, we spent the entire period counting the time he said "um". Gary, do you remember how high we got? I think it was in the hundreds.

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