In Memory

Chris Mathers

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06/03/09 10:06 PM #1    

Noelle Lienemann (Meier)

Chris was a sweet, funny and brilliant guy who was a part of many of my school memories. He was the more conservative half of the handsome debating duo, with our good friend Marcus. He was my friend, and a best friend to several of my old pals. His death stayed with many of us well beyond graduation and I know he is thought-about and missed to this day.

Here is the tribute to him from our 1989 yearbook:

"Christopher R. Mathers was born December 6, 1970, and died January 23, 1989. Although his life was short, no one who ever knew Chris will ever forget him. We will remember his energy, ambition, and spirit.

Chris was captain of the Butte High debate team, treasurer of the Key Club, Chairman of the Young Politician's Club, president of the Senate for Montana YMCA Youth and Government, and a student ambassador to the Soviet Union and Japan. He also belonged to MTI, Tri-M, and the Butte High Band. He was a two-time letter winner in tennis, and a delegate to Boy's State.

Above all, Chris was a friend, well-liked and respected by everyone who was fortunate enough to have known him. He will be sadly missed."

God bless you Chris.

08/02/09 04:36 PM #2    

Marcus Courtney

Chris was an amazing individual and truly incredible frined. Chris and I spent countless hours together and we also spent countiless hours with our famlies. Not a day goes by that I do not have a memory of chris. His intelligence, companssion and kindness were second to none. I so very much he could be with us today to see how wonderful life can be 20 years down the road.

We miss you buddy.


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