Penny Baker Burklin

Profile Updated: September 29, 2009
Penny Baker
Residing In: Cumming, GA USA
Spouse/Partner: Kevin Burklin
Occupation: Residence Sales Manager, Assisted Living Concepts
Children: Elliott, 25
Matthew 22
Kellen 9
Yes! Attending Reunion
Grandchildren (names and ages)

Gavin 3
Isaac 2

Attending Reunion


What is on your "bucket list" (something you want to do before you die)?

Fill up EVERY page on my Passport Book!!
live on ocean front property
take my whole family on a cruise
spend 3 weeks in Hawaii
own a convertible
Ride a Harley (without fear)

What are your hobbies/interests?

Living life to the fullest

What is the farthest you've been from Calhoun?

Jamaica, no , take that back, San Francisco, our oldest son and his wife lived there for 3 years, she was based there in the Air force

Favorites...Vacation spots, food, music, drinks, movies, tv shows?

Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, St. Simons, Destin
Margaritas, Diet Coke mixed with Coconut Rum
movies.... lately, The Bucket list was a great one, don't watch much tv,, but love Sex in the City

music., well I love the 70's, 80's, and embraces all types of music, I would rather listen to great classic rock than watch tv any day!!

How old do you feel?

about 25, I find myself at a very comfortable and confident place in my life. My main focus is spending time doing what I love and with the ones I love.... my family and friends.

What would we be surprised to know about you?

*Started to Shorter college after I was 30 years old
I am EXTREMELY intrigued by "afterlife" experiences.
*I totally embrace and appreciate the qualities and abilities we all possess that make us so unique.
*I HATE, HATE, being misunderstood and unfairly judged.
*I work with some of the most beautiful people in the world everyday...Alzheimer's patients., They teach me SO much...
*I had my last baby at 39 years old
*I believe in Ghost

What nickname(s) do/did you have?

Penny IS my nickname, my real name is:
Stephanie Elizabeth

What is your favorite and least favorite memory of CHS?

Winning Miss Congeniality at Jr. Miss and 5th runner up.. who would have thought... it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Least Favorite: Algebra class.... praying I didn't fail.. Giders class, prayed my way through that one with a 70!

What would you do different if you were back in High School?

Would have dated someone different!!! Figured out a way to go to college after graduation, instead of waiting until I was 30!!

Not measured my self worth based on the way others treated me.

Tell us some memories (if you dare...haha)...secret crush, embarrasing moments, hang out, favorite/least favorite teachers.

Senior year..... skipping last period of VOT, to shop for a prom dress!! Melissa Edwards and Susan Hall and I wrote our own excuses, the ONLY time I EVER skipped class, thank God Mrs. Hite didn't call my Mother, she would have KILLED me!!... we had a blast!, and I found a great dress!

What is the last CD you bought?

My third copy of Journey's Greatest Hits...
I play my favorite one's to death!!

Famous or interesting people you've met?

Neal Bortz
Ed McMahan

Did you ever skip school?

Yeah.. only once... already told you about it! I didn't learn how to loosen up and have fun until I met my husband Kevin! I was 33!... I have it down to a science now!

Name all the states you've lived in.

North Carolina

Not done Yet

Name all the countries you've visited/lived in.


Do you have any body piercings/tattoos? Where? (haha)

just ears, thinking about belly button..umm
no tattoos yet... but thinking about it

Have you ever been on tv? If so, explain the situation.

Local stations only, Dalton network, promoting Gordon county Library Cookbook dedication in My mothers Memory, I was a guest speaker being interviewed.

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