Greg Clark

Profile Updated: October 14, 2009
Residing In: Atlanta, GA USA
Spouse/Partner: I'm married to the sea.
Occupation: I sell dreams.
Children: None yet. I'm probably going to use the "rent to buy" option. I have three nephews and that's it.
Yes! Attending Reunion

I'd like to come to the reunion, but I can make no promises. I'm already tied up for that weekend.

Good Lord, judging by the photos, our class made a collective deal with the devil. Everyone is so purty. I don't have a recent photo to share because I hate having my picture taken. I'm nearly as bad as Thomas Pynchon.

Is it too late to apologize for Jeff Grogan?

Which classmtes do you still see/talk to/hang out with?

I hung out with Kim Cook for a while but lost touch with her after she entered the Witness Protection Program.

I bumped into Monty at a Jayhawks concert many years ago and he berated me for not writing music anymore.

Kirsten at TWO Richard Thompson shows.

What are your hobbies/interests?

Cinema, Books, Pedantry

What is the farthest you've been from Calhoun?

I've been pretty far from Calhoun, but I've never been to me.

Favorites...Vacation spots, food, music, drinks, movies, tv shows?

Movies: Citizen Kane, Godfather I and II, 2001, The Conformist, The Exterminating Angel, Singin' in the Rain, Taxi Driver, Children of Paradise, The Searchers, Bringing Up Baby. There are a few.

How old do you feel?


Wait a minute! That's my bank PIN number. Forget you ever saw that!

What is your favorite and least favorite memory of CHS?

Faves: Debate trips, band trips.

Senior Play: I got to age sixty years in one hour, sort of like I do now. I played Kim's grandfather, and this is why my therapist now has a house in Hilton Head. I remember Jeff stole the show (full disclosure: he's a distant cousin). I also remember several members of the cast snuck out during the performance to get high, and they would ask me how long they had before they had to go onstage.

I felt like the Stage Manager in "Our Town."

Worst: Marching in Carter's inaugural parade. It was freezing and we marched directly behind horses.

What would you do different if you were back in High School?

I would have been taller.

Tell us some memories (if you dare...haha)...secret crush, embarrasing moments, hang out, favorite/least favorite teachers.

All of my crushes seem to be married (some of them grandmothers!), so they shall remain secret. I am happy for all of them. Of course, I am crushed beyond endurance.

Bob Linn was my best teacher, I'd say. Bob opened my mind to Shakespeare and turned me onto Randy Newman and Patti Smith (we traded records for a while - - Bob did not take to Elvis Costello). His enthusiasm and good humor was infectuous.

What is the last CD you bought?

Bob Dylan: "Together Through Life"
Rilo Kiley: "Under the Blacklight"
Arcade Fire: "Neon Bible"
Gogol Bordello: "Super Taranta!"
Bruce Springsteen: "Working on a Dream"

Famous or interesting people you've met?

I got to Athens and immersed myself in the music scene there, so I knew R.E.M. as babies, though mostly I was an acquaintance of Pete Buck. Jerry Harrison of Talking Heads, Steve Howe of Yes, Nancy Kerrigan (even prettier in real life), David Halberstam (RIP), Peter Tork, John Waters, Graham Parker (I don't really expect you to know who he is), Mick Jagger, Jonathan Richman (ditto).

Did you ever skip school?

Once or twice, I think. Didn't I go play pinball somewhere one day with Michaels Lockett and Hancock or something? I think I played sick and left one day to finish some song I was working on.

Man, do I let my freak flag fly or what?

Name all the states you've lived in.

Georgia, Denial, Euphoria, Emergency, Shock.

Name all the countries you've visited/lived in.

Narnia. Hold on, do you mean while sober?

Have you ever been on tv? If so, explain the situation.

On the day Bill Clinton gave a deposition in the Paula Jones harrassment trial, a TV reporter asked me a "Man on the Street" question about how the testimony might effect Clinton's presidency. I answered that it would have no effect at all. I also predicted that The Police was a one-hit wonder band, so there you go.

I was a semi-regular on an Athens public access variety show playing a character named "Blind" Jackie King, the only vision-impaired talk show host. Think of him as a Krusty the Clown type without the makeup but twice as hateful (this was years before The Simpsons).

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