Wilcox Central High School
Class of 2000
10 Year Class Reunion
Camden, Alabama                                                                              James L. Thomas, Principal
Greetings Class of 2000 Alumni/Alumnae:
Congratulations! It has been a decade since some of us have seen each other after departing ways after our high school graduation day. During this tremendous journey, we have accomplished different milestones in our lives such as higher education, careers, marriages, and even children. It has truly been a great anticipation to you and your family at our forthcoming 10 year class reunion!
Unfortunately due to lack of participation, we regret to inform you that our forthcoming 10 year class reunion that was to be held June 18-19, 2010 in Camden, Alabama has been cancelled.
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding the content of this letter please feel free to contact the Class of 2000 Reunion Officers via:
  1. Mail to our class reunion post office box address; P O Box 475 Camden, AL 36726.
  1. The class reunion website at www.classcreator.com/Camden-AL-Wilcox-Central-2000
  1. The designated email address wchs2000jags@yahoo.com
  1. Phone at (641) 715-3900 ext 57127 (please press # after leaving message)
  1. Message on social networks facebook and/or myspace.
Your support and timely payments was greatly appreciated!
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you and your family at other events in the future!!!
Class Reunion Officers

wchs class of 2000