Dawn Fitzsimmons Bockenhauer

Profile Updated: March 23, 2019
Dawn Fitzsimmons
Residing In: Carpentersville, IL USA
Spouse/Partner: Ron Bockenhauer
Children/Grandkids: Will Bockenhauer, born in Nov. 1974, married to Megan Willrett, they have 2 children, Ethan is 7 and More…Claire is 4.
Alisha, Born in Jan. 1976, married to Brian Baumann, they have 2 children, Kaylee is 7 and Justin is 6.
Melissa, born in April 1977, married to Abe Rajcevich.
Bethany, born in Aug. 1978, married to Warren Rotenberry, they have 2 children, Max is 5 and Sophia is 2.
Occupation: Retired
Yes! Attending Reunion
Junior High School:

St Catherine's-7th & 8th Dundee- 9th.


Ron and I got married in Jan. 1971 while he was in the Army stationed in Chicago. He went to work for the Village of East Dundee after his discharge in Nov. 1971.I became a hairdresser in August 1970 and worked in Dundee until 1978. After having the kids I was a stay at home Mom and worked parttime in various stores and babysat in my home. As the kids grew I worked for Elgin Precision Glass company, a party store and then 8 years at Cargo Equipment Corp in Elgin. I was layed off there in 2002 and have been working for many different marketing firms repping products in the food industry as well as numerous electronic products. Ron and I have had a permanent camp site at Paradise Park Campground in Garden Prairie since 1981. We spend a lot of time with our kids and Grandkids there every year. My hobbies have changed very little, I still love to read, do jigsaw puzzles, sew, do scrapbooking, work in my yard and watch movies.

School Story:

After I graduated from Dundee I went to Elgin School of Beauty Culture and earned an Illinois State license. I have also taken several courses at ECC.

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