35 Year Reunion Pics










 Comments about the reunion:

"No, it would not be strange to say that you love your school mates. Had it not been for you and this reunion I never would have found some old friends.  Thank you for caring and may the Lord God be with you and your family. Class of 74 ... OH YEAH!"
“Next time we have our reunion can we have it for a whole week?  The weekend just wasn't long enough to visit with the class of 74....Great job mission accomplished we reconnected.”
“I have been to many reunions before, but yours was the best thought-out and executed that I have ever seen!”
“Take care of yourself and I will be glad to serve on the 40th year reunion committee; I have a few ideas about what we could do to make it special, too.” 
“There was not much dancing, but sure was a lot of catching up! I'll have to say that you women have improved with age!”
“The atmosphere was very welcoming, loving and kind.”
“Thanks for the enormous effort that was put into this project reunion. I had a blast and everyone else did, too. And what an event it was! Thanks, again. It was great to see you and all my mates.”
“It was so special how you did that and had everyone a place to be. I know he (Chris) would have loved what you did, and it was so special...thanks again”
“The reunion was a success.  You all did a great job."
“I can't thank you enough for everything......keep the faith.”
“Had a great time; loved seeing everyone. Thanks so much for all the work you girls did. You all made it very special. I want to keep in touch. Hope to see you again soon."
“It was the best reunion I have ever attended and I think I have gone to all of them. Thanks, again.”
“We had a great time. We are still talking about it. Everyone was so nice. It was good to meet everyone.”
"I've heard so many wonderful comments...and I think we had a reunion to be proud of...very nice, elegant, wonderful feelings from everyone, and a closeness like I've never felt before...maybe as we're getting older, we realize just how much we were a big part of each other's lives, and that it was great to grow up in a small town????" 

"Old friends and new memories. I am so glad to have spent this last weekend with you all.
Classmates and spouses of classmates, teachers and friends, it has been wonderful. We cannot let so long go by again without staying in touch.  How did we drift so far apart to begin with?" 

"I now have a happy reason to return to my home town. Friends from the past have filled my heart with joy."

"It was so good to see so many people I haven't seen in years. It was like I had never left. Everyone made me feel so welcome. All the nervousness went away once I got there Saturday morning for the ladies brunch. The memory part of the reunion was so touching and there were a lot of tears but it was sweet."

"Thank you for including me. It felt wonderful to be remembered and welcomed and to be allowed to reconnect with you. I loved talking to each and every one of you, but I wished it could have lasted longer!" 

"Again thanks for letting me be a part of something so special." 
“Not counting when I met my lovely wife, this was one of the best nights of my life.”




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