In Memory

Michael Howard Branch VIEW PROFILE

Michael Howard Branch

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07/30/21 09:21 PM #1    

J Byron Walthall

Mike and I were big pals at McClintock.  He was very tech oriented even then.  Flew gliders at age 14.  Built a small flying machine with no moving parts for the science fair at EMHS. Always seemed to be in a sort of jolly humor.  He bet me that I would be a big Social Security advocate when I was old enough for it.  Sorry I cannot chat with him about that - he was right.

The last time I saw him was after East Meck.  He had a large St. Bernard on a leash and I seem to recall Mike had an imposing beard.  His career was at the Savannah Nuclear facility, possibly as an engineer.  I gather that his death was unexpected and sudden. 

His brother Brad has made a life in Atlanta with accounting firm Deloitte.

07/30/21 10:56 PM #2    

David York Anderson

Byron, I believe he also made wine as a family tradition. He would drink his fathers wine but his would be for his kids and so on...

The guy was brilliant!!!

11/22/21 12:35 PM #3    

Kajur Kulp

Mike was an exceptional person. I had the pleasure of going with him in a glider and he could not have been a more competent pilot. I still blame him for my early love of aviating and still suffer from it to this day. Another fine sould lost way too early in life.

12/26/22 09:59 AM #4    

Larry Lazarides

Mike was a friend that I ost touch with when I moved. I have always beenwondered about his early death.Does anyone know what happened?

11/13/23 11:35 AM #5    

Joseph (Joe) Butler Black

As I stated before, I just recently found this site and the long list of fellow schoolmates that have passed away.  I knew mike well. we played footbal together and he was as strong as an ox and as smart as they come. He had a kinda square head and no football helmet fit him properly, so the upper brim whould hit the bridge of his nose in collision, of which there were many, and bloody his face, which he would clean off as it maf=de him appear even more intimidating. I was also in an advanced chemestry class with Dr, Robinson, and Mike was in a class of his own.  He was in an independent study course with Dr. Robonson.  I lost touch when I went to college and then got married, I got saved and moved to Atlanta.  The last time I saw Mike after HS, he had joined some MC, but I always knew he was destined for greater things.  I really admired Mike and am sad that he's gone.  I would love to spend some time with him now.  My loss!

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