School Pics....



 Remember these faces?????

We thought it would be fun to delve into the memories from childhood days, memories we forgot were there.  We hope you will make suggestions to add to this page!


Oh......we could have so much fun with these......


      6th grade FIELD DAY


 Homecoming King-Burke Smith & Queen-Andra Nawa


Prom King-Burke Smith & Queen-Natina Cordell

 (Why did Burke win everything???)

The Senior court:

Tony Foreman, Andra Nawa, Kent Gwin, Sheri Harrison, Natina Cordell, Burke Smith, Deana Morris, Matt Hunt



Front Row:  Sheri Harrison/SECRETARY...Andra Nawa/VICE-PRESIDENT

2nd Row:  Julie Brown/PRESIDENT...Deana Morris/STUDENT COUNCIL... Carla Inman/STUDENT COUNCIL

Back Row:  Tony Foreman/STUDENT COUNCIL...Kent Gwin/STUDENT COUNCIL...David Wuestefeld/TREASURER