Daniel Thomas Morris

Profile Updated: April 20, 2013
Class Year: 1966
Residing In: Ruckersville, VA USA
Spouse/Partner: Darlene
Occupation: Dept of the Army Senior Executive
Children: Alan, born 1974
David, born 1979

Two grandsons
Military Service: U.S. Army for 28.5 years  
Yes! Attending Reunion

Looking forward to meeting former classmates. Just moved back to the C-ville area in 2005 after being away since graduation in 1966.
Short 40 years passed as follows:
-Graduated VCU in 1970...married in Aug of 70
-Taught at Wakefield HS in Arlington, VA
-Was drafted into the Army in 1971...28.5 yrs later...
-Retired in 1999...went into private business
-After 9-11-2001, came back into govt service
-Currently am Executive Director at the National Ground Intelligence Center

Tell us a favorite memory or story from your days at AHS.

Lots of great folks, especially teachers like Ms. Bowen, Mr. Gardner and a guidance counselor whose name escapes me, were instrumental in helping me get through the ignorance of my youth. It goes without saying that Mr. Hurt was a major role model for all of us.

A memory more than a funny story; Melissa Keyes and I went to our senior prom on a motorcycle...yes it rained! Wonder where she is today?

If you served in the military, what service did you you belong to?


How did you hear about this website?

Email from Website

Colleges Attended?

Undergraduate: VCU
Post Graduate: Naval War College

Daniel Thomas' Latest Interactions

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May 10, 2018 at 5:33 AM
May 10, 2017 at 5:33 AM
May 10, 2016 at 5:33 AM
May 10, 2015 at 5:34 AM
