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Plan Your Reunion

Below is information posted for our 50th Reunion planned for June, 2020. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we will be celebrating our 51st Reunion in Charlottesville in June of 2021. We will post more information when available, but you can read about our original plans for this year below - we are sure next year will be even better!



COVID-19 Update



Members of the University of Virginia's School of Nursing Class of 1970 are going to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the days in June 1970 when we left McKim for the last time, walked the Lawn, and gathered on the steps of the Rotunda for our class picture. 

Reunions 2020 will include 4 days of activities including many seminars, tours of the University, opportunities to get together as classes and some other special events. Some highlights include:

  • Reception for the Class of 1970 at the Colonnade Club (Pavilion VII on the Lawn) 
  • Joining the President of the University as he leads the "Lawn Procession" 
  • Induction of the members of the Class of 1970 into the Thomas Jefferson Society of Alumni
  • A luncheon honoring the Class of 1970 with talks by Dean Cipriano and Bridget Breen (Whitson) ('70)  
  • A reception at the Nursing School and a tour of McKim Hall 
  • A reception and dinner for the UVA Class of 1970 on the North Plaza of the Rotunda

And, most important of all, we will have a chance to reconnect and share memories of our days together and our lived since 1970.


Here are some quick notes on how to make your plans for a great reunion...

  • First, take a look at the links below to see some of the events we have highlighted because they may be of special interest to members of our class. (You can attend all of these events - and many more - with a special "Day Only" pass.)  
  • Next, go to the UVA Reunions website and read about ALL of the interesting seminars, historical tours, and other special events planned for the reunion weekend. There is something for everyone but many of these events may sell out, so register soon. 
  • Go to the Reunion Prices page for information on pricing including how to get a special "Day Only" pass that covers everything except evening receptions, dinners, and the dance. 
  • See who will be attending from SON '70 by clicking on the Classmate Profiles page of this website. Once you are there, just select the "Attending 50th Reunion" button in the box at the top of the page. You can even refresh your memory with a click on the "Show Yearbook Photos" button on the same page.
  • Check out "Hoo's Coming" to see who has registered from all UVA classes. 
  • Decide on all the events you want to attend and make your reservations.
    • If you are attending any of the evening meal events (Friday Reception for the Class of 1970, Saturday reception & dinner at the Rotunda) log onto the University's registration page and fill out the registration form.  
    • If you are attending only the seminars, tours and other events that don't have an additional charge, contact Liz Crowder at  434-243-9048 or lizcrowder@virginia.edu. Liz is the Alumni Association's events coordinator for our class and has worked tirelessly to make this a great experience for all of us. Liz will register you for the Day Only pass and will book the seminars and events you want to attend while you are on the phone. 
  • If you have any questions about the events - including an update on the current impact of efforts to contain the Covid-19 virus, check out the  Weekend FAQ's.   
  • Look again at the Classmates Profile page and contact a few old friends you would like to see in June. If you don't have their number, email Nancy Sinclair (Maupin) to see if we have their phone or email.
  • IMPORTANT LAST STEP!  Finally, email us and let us know you are coming. We will add your name to the list of reunion attendees so we will know you are attending.