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Reunion Prices

Below is information posted for our 50th Reunion planned for June, 2020. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we will be celebrating our 51st Reunion in Charlottesville in June of 2021. We will post more information when available, but you can read about our original plans for this year below - we are sure next year will be even better!



There are 4 different "Passes" available for Reunions 2020 at different prices.

The three listed below include all of the many events, seminars, and tours on the day indicated. They also include the evening meal events like the Class of 1970 Reception on Friday night and Dinner at the Rotunda on Saturday. If you are selecting one of these passes, You can register for these passes on the UVA Reunions registration site. 



The "Day Only" Pass                                     $25 per day
A Day Only pass is available for Friday and
Saturday which includes all activities except for the Friday
night reception f
or the University's Class of 1970 
at the  Colonnade Club, the d
inner and dance on
Saturday night at the Rotunda and other special charge 


How to Obtain a Day Only Pass
To obtain a Day Only pass, contact Liz Crowder at  434-243-9048 or lizcrowder@virginia.edu. Liz is the Alumni Association's events coordinator for our class and has worked tirelessly to make this a great experience for all of us. Liz will register you for the Day Only pass and will book the seminars and events you want to attend while you are on the phone, so please be prepared to make your selections when you call.