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50th Reunion Survey!

Created on: 11/16/17 08:08 AM Views: 238 Replies: 19
50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Thursday, November 16, 2017 08:08 AM
 Hey, Chancellor Classmates of Winter and Summer of 1968! It's time to plan our big shindig! We are tentatively shooting for October of 2018 for our Reunion and, more specifically, the third or fourth weekend!

We held all of our previous decade reunions at Valley hotels and our 60th Birthday Bash at Sagebrush Cantina in Calabasas. While those events were fun, we were limited to a few hours and those venues didn't really offer us any chance for "quiet reflection and reconnection" time with our friends. So, your Reunion Committee is trying to think “outside the box” this year.
What are we considering? In a nutshell, our past Valley hotel venues have run about $150 per ticket, plus hotel costs and transportation for our out-of-state friends. That usually comes to $500+ per couple.

One option is Las Vegas. Our 1966 class held their 50th reunion there, and our CHS baseball teams have stayed at the same hotel for previous playoffs! All good reports on that account, plus the hotel is less than our Valley venues, and the airfare is inexpensive from many cities. 
Another is to use Sagebrush Cantina again, and although that would be a low cost per person, there would still be the hotel costs, plus no "quiet time" or space for connecting with friends and getting into serious discussions.
Our "outside the box" venue is a three-day cruise out of Long Beach! The total cost will probably be close to $250 per person, but that INCLUDES all food and room, plus all the extra time available to connect with old friends! No, you don't need a passport, and you won't need to pay a fee if you chose not to disembark in Mexico! (I used to participate in yachting races that wound up in Ensenada—there isn't much to see there!)
We are putting together a Survey to outline our options, your options, and the costs. If you have any other suggestions for our reunion committee to consider, please let me know ASAP. Otherwise, you really needn't reply to this message as it’s a "heads up" that we will REALLY NEED YOUR FEEDBACK on the survey when it comes out. We will post the Survey on this website on Dec. 15 and you will get a message inviting you to fill it out. 
Also, we need you to contact EVERY classmate you know to make them aware of our plans! And, we really need more of our classmates to sign up on this website so that we don't have to pay an outside agency additional money per person to contact classmates or have to manage information on multiple social media sites. Feel free to copy this message and send it to your friends that you know who are not members here yet!  

I hope this message piques your interest! 
Stay tuned for more! 

Go Chancellors!

Your friend,
John Richards 


Edited 11/18/17 11:59 PM
50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Sunday, November 19, 2017 08:22 AM

This sounds very promising indeed! I have missed the previous reunions, so I am really looking forward to this one. Thanks for your efforts, Kathy

Edited 11/19/17 08:24 AM
RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Sunday, November 19, 2017 09:34 AM

Hi Folks,

Darlene and I are looking forward to the reunion.  In that both of us are retired, we have a great deal of flexibility as far as a date.  However, I must mention once again that any knid of cruise would be a non-starter for me.  (I get really seasick.)  I look forward to the survey when you put it out.

C.J. Wittman

RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Sunday, November 19, 2017 09:38 AM

Nicely written, John.  I look very forward to seeing you again at the ‘BIG 50’!  Personally, I would rather do Vegas than the boat.  Yes, Vegas would be more money but, two great shows would make a big hit.  This is a once in a lifetime scenario.  Many of us will not make the 60th.  I say ‘spend’.   No matter the cost, I will be there.  I would be willing to contribute to a ‘kitty’ so that those who need some help could get show tickets.     Sincerely,  Ed Garrett


RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Sunday, November 19, 2017 10:55 AM

Thanks for all your work on this.  Any and all sound good to me.  Although Vegas would be my first choice.  

RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Sunday, November 19, 2017 04:29 PM

I agree here. While the cruise would be lively, Las Vegas would be less miserable...

RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Sunday, November 19, 2017 05:05 PM

Thanks to the coordinators of this event.

I plan on attending with Kathy Soper (yes we are still friends) and we're coming in from 2 different states.


RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Sunday, November 19, 2017 06:28 PM

Thanks for putting this together - but I don't think I could do the "boat" - I would spend the entire time hanging over the rails feeding the fish!!  I get really seasick!!  I'm not really a Vegas person, but I would consider going there before the boat.  Looking forward to our 60th!!  I'll pass the word to those I am still in contact with!

RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Wednesday, November 22, 2017 12:09 PM

The sea and I don't agree!  It does sound like fun, though, so don't base your decision on my aversion!

50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Wednesday, November 22, 2017 12:40 PM

Have you considered an event location like Rancho De La Cordillera?  It's a location only site, so an event planner (to coordinate food, chairs, tables, bartenders, servers, valet, music, etc), would be needed, but it might be less expensive in the long run, and more private.  Also, Orcutt Park might be a consideration.
Edited 11/22/17 12:40 PM
RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Wednesday, December 20, 2017 09:17 AM


Hi John,

I live two hours north of Vegas so that would be great for me.  Having said that, I can join any venue, except a cruise.  While I am able to stay healthy, I am afraid of the virus that many get in cruise ships. That is why I’ve never been on a cruise.

Any other place is great.  

Thanks for what you are doing John...



RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Thursday, January 4, 2018 07:38 AM

Hello everyone,

I am looking forward to our 50th reunion. How did 50 years go by so fast? I vote for a local (L.A. area) location for convenience reasons. I think many people (including myself) still live busy lives with families and businesses thus attendance might be better with a local venue. A 3 day cruise would not be of interest to me. Las Vegas is a good choice, but I would be much more interested in a local get-together.


RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2018 09:50 AM


Hi John,

Having attended all of the reunions and “bashes” in recent years, I think the Sagebrush was ideal.  Wonderful outdoor venue for talking and milling; private area; great food and live band playing music of our era (thanks Taree!).

I think we’d garner a much better turnout than cruise or Vegas, and for most of us the Sagebrush was part and parcel of life in the late 60s....and beyond!


P.S.  Big Bear was REALLY special but a ton of work on the part of planners and coordinators (thanks Elaine. We won’t forget it!)

RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2018 10:24 AM

Hi John (and everyone),

Either a local LA venue or Las Vegas would get my vote, but probably lean more toward Las Vegas. Having just attended Fred's 50th last year, for those of us who don't live locally, getting in and out and lodging can be costly and time consuming (but we'd come).

So looking forward to seeing everyone and reconnecting.


RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2018 06:52 PM

Sagebrush has my vote since I still live close by.  Thanks for putting this together.  I know it's a lot of work and we appreciate it!  I'll be contacting my buddies to see if they're coming too.  Let me know if you need help.



RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Tuesday, February 13, 2018 03:14 PM

Hi, Everyone!

Diane Glaze reminded me of our upcoming 50th and I realized I hadn't yet put in my two cents worth.  

I did attend the "60th" picnic, which was a blast.  I haven't been tempted by any band-and-dance kind of thing (with anyone, anywhere) in years, although from what I've read about the Sagebrush Cantina, it sounds as if there are quiet places there.  I'm more in to catching up than anything else.  "No" on a cruise and "Oh, HELL no in re: Las Vegas.  Can't stand the place, I'm afraid; one of maybe two people in the world who would say that, I guess.

That being said, do what works for the most people!  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.  My darling spouse, Emmett, might even come - he had fun at the picnic even though he knew no one but me!

RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Tuesday, February 13, 2018 11:54 PM

I think the Sagebrush would be great!  Count me in!  

Thanks John!!

50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Saturday, February 24, 2018 08:33 AM

Hi Everyone,

Darlene and I posted our thoughts on the other Chat thread.  To keep it brief, both Darlene and I prefer something in the San Fernando Valley.  In addition, we would like to idea of something similiar to what was held at the Warner Center Hilton to be revisited but the Sagebruch Cantina would be okay.  For more detail you might want to look at the other chat thread.

C.J. Wittman and Darlene Allen Wittman

Edited 02/24/18 08:34 AM
RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Saturday, February 24, 2018 12:46 PM

I'm happy to see that some of my friends have replied already, and some have updated their info and/or joined recently.  The MOST important thing to me is to be able to hear so that I can talk to people.  Sixty years of Rock have taken their toll, and I find most music an annoyance rather than a pleasure these days.  The Sagebrush was a lot of fun, and I would do that again, but it seemed awfully loud on the patio, and if it rains, we are sunk.  I will probably go no matter what, but I would prefer a quiet place, where I can sit and talk when I see someone that means a lot to me.  The picnic at Chatsworth was perfect to catch up with folks, I found my friend Joan after all those years.  So my vote is for a venue with an area that is quiet and comfy.  (Amazing how 'comfy' is so important these days!)  I am really looking forward to this event and catching up with folks.




RE: 50th Reunion Survey!
Posted Thursday, May 3, 2018 10:14 PM

I think we are all on the same page about noise and wanting to talk!  In case of rain, there will be a tent at the Sagebrush.

