Brandon Hoover

Profile Updated: January 18, 2009
Brandon Hoover
Residing In: Thornton, CO USA
Spouse/Partner: Karen
Occupation: Co-Senior Pastor
Children: Alexandra - 10
Brycen - 7
Mackenzie - 6
Yes! Attending Reunion
What is your Favorite 80s song?

I tried to forget most of them

Senior Will

I . . . BRANDONIOUS LEEONARDO HOOVERO do here by bequeath:
To Deric Inkster my perfect studly self, someday you will be like me; keep trying! ! To Chad Vanderipe I give you my studly earring which you will never have and the ability to act as cocky as me all the time. You’ll do fine. To Gabe Witherell I leave what you need most, my incredible shot in soccer. To Kevin Koesel you will be the next dribble king because you can’t dribble at all now, someday you will dribble. To James Westenskow, my H.O. Bro, I leave my awesome slalom water skiing ability on my H.O. Turbo. won’t give it all though, I still need to ski. See you at my lake place, bro. To Roy Anderson(Chunky Chicken) the muscles on my body, you need all you can get. To the undercalssmen the ability to be as carefree and have as much fun as my bro’s and I did, have great high school years, and don’t take things too seriously. Be yourself, you cares what others think.
TV SHOW: Cheers
COMMERCIAL: Little Caesar’s
PERSON: myself
MUSIC GROUP: Journey and the Eagles
SINGER MALE: Slim Whitman FEMALE: Madonna
MOVIE: Rainman
FOOD: pizza
SAYING: “Let’s ride like a mother”
BOOK: Satanic Verses
MAGAZINE: Water Ski/ Newsweek
STORE: Sports Center Northwest
SPORT: soccer
COLOR: jade
HANGOUT: Elmer’s Pool Hall
PET PEEVE: anyone or anything I don’t like
HOBBY: water skiing, snow skiing, pool, being a stud, and waxing.
MOST MEMORABLE: state basketball as a sophomore
MOST EMBARRASSING: I have never been embarrassed in my life it
isn’t for the cool.
FAVORITE YEAR IN SCHOOL AND WHY: how in the heck could anyone
have a favorite year in high school. But if I had to choose one
it would be as a senior because I am almost out of here and I see
the light.
FUTURE PLANS: to grow into a stud of a man, be happily
married with my wife and children. I won’t have to be
wealthy just extremely happy. Someday I am going to see Mike
Tyson and then I am going to give him a lesson in boxing.

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Brandon Hoover has a birthday today.
Apr 06, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Brandon Hoover has a birthday today.
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Brandon Hoover has a birthday today.
Apr 06, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Brandon Hoover has a birthday today.
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Brandon Hoover has a birthday today.
Apr 06, 2020 at 4:35 AM
Brandon Hoover has a birthday today.
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Brandon Hoover has a birthday today.
Apr 06, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Brandon Hoover has a birthday today.
Apr 06, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Brandon Hoover has a birthday today.
Apr 06, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Brandon Hoover has a birthday today.
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