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Forum: Embarrassing



Created on: 08/09/18 11:44 AM Views: 107 Replies: 2
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2018 11:44 AM

Eddie Gambon, Carl Lobel and I all had Birthdays around the same time.  So we decided (our Jr. year) that we would go out and celebrate at one of our favorite bars.  After all we were now 21 and could legally drink.  Of course we had all held off drinking until we were legal right?  Anyway, when we came back, Carl was driving, and he was afraid to park on the street around campus.  So he decides to park behind Howell Hall, right below the O.D.'s room.  Captin "Dudley Do Right" Detely was on duty.  As we get out of the car, Detely shines a light on us and hollered "HALT".  Didn't even give us time to change our underwear, and hauled us into the O.D.'s office.  Long story short,  all 3 of us got an SPO restricting us to campus for the 1st half of our Sr. Year; sign in's every 2 hrs on weekend; marching to church; Sr. Privates; et al.  Well about 3 months in, Dave Duthie went to bat for us with Col. Menard.  Menard decided to  release us from the rest of the SPO.  On the morning when the new order was to be read at Morning Mess, Gambon and Lobel decided to skip Mess and sleep in.  I got off, but they didn't.  Thanks Brother Dave, God rest your soul.

Edited 08/09/18 11:46 AM
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2018 01:21 PM

Sorry, and at the risk of suffering the ire of the "King of All Sr. Privates Everywhere", Henry Faryna, I have to brag.  While on my SPO, I proudly stood in the ranks and was called out for morning porch competition.  Now porch competition is for Rooks and lowly So. Privates, so when I showed up as a Sr. Private, the staff was taken aback.  Low and behold, I WON porch competition.  My proudest moment at PMC.  Probably the only Sr. Private in the history of PMC or any other Military college who ever won porch competition.  I was a strack troop. So there Henry!

Posted Friday, August 10, 2018 05:04 PM

Special Punishment Order, (Eddie GambonTKE, Carl Lobel, Clark Wonderland TKE). Never knew that story.

Dave Duthie,TKE and you Clark were close as I remember. He was a leader in our class, so going to bat for you guys with Col. Menard was typical.

Eddie Gambon TKE, My room-mate was a cool guy. Pershing Rifles ( He practiced in our room all the time ..He was good at it). .From Emerson NJ. Our parents came down on weekends together and became friends. We had many enjoyable weekends.

Carl Lobel, quiet guy, our paths cross as reporters on the "Dome". I left the student newspaper after my sophomore year and I saw that he continued writing until his senior year. I read his articles with interest .(Wondering what he is doing now?). Last I heard ih lived in Vermont.

Captain Detely, was a cool guy, once you got to know him. He liked fooball, coming from West Point, so we had football conversations in common.  He critqued my play. I looked forward to his observations..


Edited 08/10/18 08:37 PM