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Boardwalk Bowl Military Ball. 1964

Created on: 09/06/18 02:36 AM Views: 177 Replies: 1
Boardwalk Bowl Military Ball. 1964
Posted Thursday, September 6, 2018 02:36 AM

It's the 4th quarter, playing The United States Merchant Marine Academy, (We are down and a touchdown would win it for us), we moved the ball down to the 5 yard line with time on the clock. Coach Raimo called for Joe Carter to go in motion to fake the line backers, and open up the middle for our Fullback Heiser to run a dive play. (It didn't work). I bet Coach Raimo (RIP) would have liked to take that play back and let Joe run it in.   (We could have won and been "all that"). The team was shocked,losing does that to a team...It sucked.

The Convention Center in Atlantic City was the main "Events Building" in AC. (Way before Gambling). In fact, it was the only College "Bowl Game" indoors in the country. (way before indoor stadiums). What further made it unique was that the Convention Center promoted the game as the "Little Army,Navy Game" to be seen on regional TV  (A new TV outlet called Cable) immediately after the Army,Navy Game.

After I showered, I heard that there was a "Formal Military Ball" with AC Girls in ball dresses and a live orchestra, so I decided to check it out. The Convention Center ballroom was "decked out to the nines" and the orchestra was first class.

I sat with USMMA guys, danced, everyone there was looking to have a great time and we did. We closed the place down, Florence,(Who I just met) and I walked the Boardwalk and beach till morning. Great weekend.

Note: I could barely talk after being hit in the mouth after catching a pass. That USMMA defensive player who hit me with his helmet was at our table. He joked about it, I was a good boy. I didn't say anything. I thought, "They won the game, let them gloat". (But for 5 yards and a bad play call by Coach Raimo.... we could have won). I still remember that loss. 



Edited 10/11/18 04:03 PM
RE: Boardwalk Bowl Military Ball. 1964
Posted Thursday, September 6, 2018 04:23 PM

Hey Bobby,
​I remember that play like it was yesterday.  We actually did score on that play.  Heiser went between Larry Geter and I and scored.  The only problem was Heiser took a step forward before the ball was snapped and we were called for a motion penalty.  After the penalty Coach Raimo called a sweep around right end with Joe carrying, but USMMA was expecting it and stopped Joe on the 2 and time ran out.  I know we all felt totally down.  So close but so far.