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Jody Mihalec Michael

Profile Updated: September 6, 2015
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Residing In:
CHicago, IL USA
Cathy Cullen
CEO Jody MIchael Associates, shrink ; )
Makena (our dog)
Yes! Attending Reunion

Founder of Jody Michael Associates that provides corporate training, workshops, leadership retreats, executive coaching and career coaching throughout the country.

Executive coach to senior level executives in areas of leadership development, emotional intelligence and performance.

Career coach that helps others identify "What do I want to be when I grow up?"

Favorite Lane Memory:

The first day of school was certainly memorable. A police officer met me as I stepped off the bus at Addison and Western. He personally escorted me to my first class Biology through the crowds of angry parents protesting and jeering. When I arrived to my classroom, I was the only female student in class. The Biology teacher was female and rather than having some sensitivity to the stressful situation she added to it. She spent the first 10 minutes of class talking about how girls were going to be the demise of Lane Tech and that this was the saddest day of her work life. During her speech a Channel 7 News reporter had a camera on me. I was spotlighted on the local news that night. Lots of unwarranted drama! Certainly not the usual memory someone has for a first day of high school.

Current Interests:

Travel. Read. Cook. Spend time with family and friends.

Accomplishments Since Graduation:

One of the first female traders on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

University of Chicago PhD candidate in Social Work/Human Behavior.

Founder of Jody Michael Associates.

2013 Final Four for the Chicago Lean Start-Up Challenge with entrepreneurial start-up venture "Career Cheetah."

How did Lane Tech influence your life?

I still sing the Lane Tech song every time I passed the school. (Much to my spouses chagrin. But she now knows the words as well - so we both sing!)

On a more serious note, going to a predominately male high school gave me tremendous comfort in the predominately male business world I have worked in.

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Sep 11, 2015 at 9:18 AM