Gregory Groeper
Hi Grace & All!
In Re: Facebook group.
As the "volunteer" creator of the Lane Tech Class of 1976 Facebook Group decades ago, I also was bothered by individuals "poaching" our alums by trying to use it as a sales platform for "their" merch for profit, with no benefit back to any class of Lane '76 causes.
In addition to the required sign-up questions, I took the time to establish "Filters" now provided by Facebook to stop sales ads and links to outside websites. I hope they are working now. There is also a front-end "warning" that abuse of the page will result in suspension or removal.
Nothing iz perfct (haha), so please do not besmirch the existence or use of our Facebook page, it has served many of us well.
Further, I've been speaking with Michelle about coordinating messaging across both platforms, so that we have common data and announcements. I provide directions to this "class creator" alumni page, too. This is not a competition, it is an alliance. Even if you choose not to participate in the Facebook page, please don't discourage others from joining.
As an editor's note, I'm amazed at how many Lane 76ers either don't know the correct answers for the Facebook sign-in or refuse to complete them. I don't let just anyone join the page. I personally approve each request to join, whenever possible, cross checking them back to the full alumni list.
I look forward to our work in organizing and producing our fantastic 50th reunion in the year of our nation's "Semiquincentennial" (250th) anniversary.
Thanks for your kindness & understanding!
Go Lane Go!
greg groeper (872.230.7135) txt or call
Science/Math/Music '76