Round up a rowdie...


Round up a rowdy was the creative idea of Annette Jonas.  When compling our list, and using the alumni resources at St. Bens we were still missing information on several classmates - next thing we knew a round up was born.  We  need YOU to help us locate them.  The rowdy who rounds up the most rowdies will be awarded a prize the evening of the event - so please let us know the rowdy or rowdies you have rounded up by sending an email to the site administrator.  

How to round up a rowdy or two -- you can forward the information such has email, address, telephone number to any committee member, or you can personally reach out to the rowdy classmate you are in touch with and tell them about the event, encouage them to join the website and check out what other classmates have been up to over the last few years.

Thank you in advance for your help, looking forward to a rockin time with all our rowdy friends.