In Memory

Steven Adams

Steven Adams

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06/18/14 08:07 AM #1    

Bob Wilkinson

Played baseball with Steve many years ago. I lived just down the street from Steve in Roselawn. Wish I could turn back the clock.

06/19/14 09:11 PM #2    

Harriet Metz (Adams-Gillett)

Bob. Thanks for the kind words relating to Steve. So many of the " roselawn" gang have wonderful memories of living in such a great community and having so many dear and long lasting friendships. I know Steve did. 

06/20/14 01:20 PM #3    

Stephen Levin

Along with Steve, Roy, his Father was a gem of a person.

He always greeted me very warmly.


Steve Levin


06/20/14 09:44 PM #4    

Harriet Metz (Adams-Gillett)

Hi Steve. Thanks for your kind comments re Steve and his Dad Roy.  They are missed every day. 


Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion. 

07/03/14 11:49 PM #5    

Martin Callner

 I loved Steve Adams. He had an phenominal wit and the most amazing sense of humor I hsve ever witnessed. My life is so much richer because I had the pleasure of knowing and hanging with him. A sweeter soul never exsisted.

07/07/14 12:04 AM #6    

Harriet Metz (Adams-Gillett)

Hi Marty !  Thanks so much for the beautiful words remembering Steve. It brought tears to my eyes.

Thank you for helping Scott when he came to L.A. He is now happily married and daddy of 2 great little boys. 

Hope you are coming to Cincy for the reunion. Love to you and your family



07/07/14 09:55 AM #7    

Joyce Elmore (Dooley)

Dear Harriet,

I am sooo sorry to hear of the loss of Steve.  I remember him as such a sweet guy.  It breaks my heart to hear of all our dear friends who have passed on.  My husband and I lost 2 sons last year.  One died on June 22 and the other on Christmas Day.  We are not supposed to out live our children.  This is the very sad part of life!  I hope you will be coming to the reunion so I can give you a hug.  Bless you!   Joyce Elmore Dooley


07/09/14 10:27 PM #8    

Harriet Metz (Adams-Gillett)

Hi Joyce. Thank you for your kind words re Steve's passing. We miss him everyday. 

Very sorry for you and your husband  on the loss of your sons. I don't even want to imagine how one gets through such a loss. 

As you can see my computer skills are lacking. Look forward to seeing you at the reunion










07/25/14 08:45 PM #9    

Barry Schwartz

Steve and I were never friends, but we were in the same classes, and it was obvious how  funny he could be.  As seniors we were in the  same 3rd bell English class taught by Mr. Zachritz.  Zachritz was  a good guy.  When some of us from Mr. Duffy's 2nd bell Calculus class would wander in to Zachritz's class, he would always know we had just had a quiz by our dazed looks.  He would smile and seemed to sympathize with us.

Zachritz had been a TV teacher for CPS.  As a TV teacher he would present his TV class with a question, wait a few seconds, and then, before giving the correct answer, he would query his class with the  question, "Did you say?"  When teaching us, he would sometimes revert to his TV days, ask us a question, and then, not allowing us to answer, would ask us, "Did you say?"

Steve sat in the  back of the room in a middle row and nowhere near me.  One day Zachritz seemed to slightly lose his mind.  He started to use his "Did you say?" routine with increasing frequency.  It became really obvious that something was wrong.

Then he stopped and asked Steve, "How many is that?"  Steve had been counting the "Did you says?" and Zachritz had caught on.  Steve not only knew how to  start a playful joke; he also knew who could take a joke. 

It's been 50 years, but that little incident is one I remember often.

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