In Memory

John Blake Ahearn

John Blake Ahearn passed away on 9/24/2009.  He was 47 years old.  He is survived by his wife Marilyn, and his children, Sumner, Ellie, and Colleen, all of whom attend Clayton schools.

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01/18/10 07:55 PM #1    

Monica Varley (Snyder)

I remember John so very well.....who won't?!
anyway....John you are out of pain and you are in God's grace and your family is in good hands.
I will continue to pray for you and your family's peace and happiness.

03/14/10 11:19 PM #2    

Elliot Uchitelle

It's hard for me to think of someone who was an all around nicer person than John. Such a good heart and great person. I have so many fond memories of John and always will. Hard for me to believe he is no longer with us. Thanks John for all the great memories!

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