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B:   608   Not Joined
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606 location unknown

Cliffside Park High School
Class of '69-'70-'71

Paul & Kathy Marchetti Maui Fire Relief Fund

Please help our dear friends Paul, Cliffside Park High School Class of 1969, and Kathy, Fort Lee High School Class of 1969. During the recent disastrous fire on Maui, our great friends Paul and Kathy Marchetti lost many of their valuables. Paul has entertained us with his drumming and musical talents ever since our high school days and was never seen without a smile or a helping hand to give. While they did not lose their home, there is smoke damage, as the fire was within 100 yards of them. Many of their friends’ homes were destroyed along the same road. Paul lives Up Country and many of the trees on his property fell and caused intense damage, blocking roads and access. In Lahaina, where Paul worked as a drummer at Fleetwood’s, he lost all his drum equipment. At another music venue, Paul lost another valuable set of drums. Paul will be out of work for a while, and we hope this small fund can help in this time of need. Paul and Kathy have shown life-long generosity to others, and this is a time for others to show support for them. Please consider donating a small amount and we are certain the gesture will mean so much to Paul and Kathy. Paul pledges to pass along any used donated funds to others in need on Maui. This fundraising effort is sponsored by Rich Pepe, Mike Rosado and Terie Gallo, classmates all lifelong friends of Paul and Kathy.

Note: this fund is generated by Go Fund Me, and 100% of the funds go directly to Paul and Kathy.

Please visit the link below for complete information: