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•   Charles Owens  6/8
•   Norman Myers  5/31
•   Frankie Gallahan (Helmick)  5/31
•   Patrick Hannah  5/18
•   Robert Tayman (Mcelhenny)  12/2
•   Janice Scott (Faulstich)  9/13
•   Paul Gilbo  8/22
•   Ed McMahan, Jr.  2/3
•   Daniel Hill  1/14
•   Bud Marston, Jr.  1/8
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
9 live in California
6 live in Colorado
3 live in Delaware
10 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
2 live in Kentucky
48 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Jersey
3 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Puerto Rico
5 live in South Carolina
5 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
23 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Ontario
50 location unknown
54 are deceased


•   Leta Umphries (Bishop)  9/24
•   Lynda McClelland (Burk)  10/3
•   Jean Daniels (Link)  10/6
•   Gay Gwynn  10/10
•   Charlotte Livesay (Estes)  10/11
•   Sharon Till (Webster)  10/14
•   Charlie Heinhorst, Jr.  10/15
•   Robert Wechsler Sr. (Wechsler)  10/17
•   Roberta Gormley (Wechsler)  10/19
•   Carol Dove (Lewis)  10/20


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 48.7%

A:   92   Joined
B:   97   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to the Surrattsville High Class of 1966 Web Site.

If this is the first time here please go to the How to Join Our Site tab and follow the instructions.  If you have already registered just enter your email address and password.  

Thanks for visiting our class web site.  We hope you will join your fellow Surrattsville 1966 classmates and use this web site to share your own news as well as learn about the news of your classmates.

Check back often so you can stay up to date.

50th Year Class Reunion

 October 7-9, 2016

Ocean City, Maryland 


Our class website with ClassCreator is now ad free.  

Hello Hornets,

Our final SHS66 Class lunch for 2024 will be at the Famous Dave's BBQ,  3046 Market Place,  Waldorf, MD 20603 on Wednesday, November 13 at 12 Noon.  Please let me know by Friday, Nov 8th if you are coming so I can let the restaurant know how many.  Everyone has a great time so don’t miss this opportunity to reconnect with your classmates.  I really hope to see you there.  





I am extending a open invitation to any of my former classmates. If you ,or your SO,are traveling to Puerto Rico..then you are invited to my new abode here. Sharon (2) and I will be glad to pick up and drop off.. give ya a glimpse of PR other than just the tourist trap of Old San Juan. We live in the Montanas aquí y la experiencia es muy deferencia .. we sport grapefruits, oranges ,pomellos , lemons ,limes ,avocado's and coconuts in season....or just a beach visit. I am open for new experiences. Dan(not Danny ) Hill or if it is a Tuesday I am known as overdahill.
