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•   Thomas McCOY (1967)  1/29
•   Jane Bohannon (Thacker) (1970)  1/11
•   Blake CHEATHAM, Jr. (Cheatham) (1974)  12/21
•   Patricia Smith (Whatley) (1975)  11/18
•   Judi Anderson (Romero) (1967)  9/15
•   Odessa Miller (1977)  9/11
•   James Ferrell (1970)  9/1
•   Hal Cooke (1971)  7/2
•   Barry Barber (1969)  5/9
•   Angela Hill (1972)  5/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

23 live in Alabama
2 live in Alaska
4 live in Arizona
4 live in California
5 live in Colorado
1 lives in District Of Columbia
47 live in Florida
555 live in Georgia
3 live in Illinois
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
4 live in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
2 live in Mississippi
4 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
2 live in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
2 live in New York
22 live in North Carolina
3 live in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
16 live in South Carolina
9 live in Tennessee
26 live in Texas
7 live in Virginia
4 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Ecuador
1 lives in India
3,105 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Sit back, relax and take a minute to read the following details to get you started!




Welcome to the Lakeshore High School Grand Reunion Website!  We are so lucky to have lived during a time where we made fond memories and have kept the Lancer spirit alive and well all of these years. Lakeshore has a lot of history during the 25 graduation years we were around. The school may have closed in 1988 and others have held classes (Harriet Tubman Elementary School and currently The Main Street Academy) but we all remember the address 2861 Lakeshore Drive, College Park, GA!  Lakeshore Alumni were even Partners in Education with Harriet Tubman and received an award from Fulton County as so many of us gave back to our former community.

This website is created by the Lakeshore High School Reunion Committee with a goal to make contact and coordination easier to register for our grand reunion and hopefully to find lost friends and classmates. We would love to hear from you with any news about our alumni or faculty members and you can add updates of what you have been doing all of these years.  

Please take a few minutes to update your contact information using the "CLASSMATE PROFILES" tab at the top of the page or follow the instructions below. Also register for our reunion happening on September 11, 2021 !!!

For our Teachers, please use our "TEACHER PROFILES" tab on the left navigation bar or follow the instructions below. 

Please update your profile and register to continue. Here is how:

1. Register yourself on our Website:

  • Alumni - Click here at “Classmate Profiles” or on the tab above: [It’s on the black bar at the top of the page.]

  • Teacher - Click here at " Teacher Profiles" or on the tab to the left:  [It’s on the black bar at the left of the page.]

  • Find your name in the listing. For Alumni it is listed for your class.  Click on your name to bring up your profile page, fill in the blanks, and add a message, photo, etc. if you wish.

  • If you do not find your name on the list, first check the "unknown years". If not there, it means we do not have you in the class database and must add your name to the profile page so that you may complete the profile. Our database is slightly dated, so we apologize but want to correct this right away!

  • If not there at all, please click on “Contact Us” and send us this message: "Please add my name and e-mail to the class list. Include your First Name, Maiden Name, Married Name (if applicable), Year GraduatedSomeone will get back in touch with you as soon as possible with any questions. If you did NOT graduate from LHS, include years attended. We will notify you when that is done and you may then register.

  • BTW:  Hey Folks check the "Missing Classmates" list - Help us find them! It could be they just haven't registered, or we do not have contacts for them. If you know their email address, please send them an email about our website. Super easy - just Click here and send them an email!

2. Register for the Grand Reunion:

  • AFTER you find your name and update your profile in the "Classmates Profile" section explained above, you need to register for our grand reunion on September 11, 2021. Please use the tab on the left navigation bar "LHS Grand Reunion Tickets and Registration"  or Click here. SIGN UP TODAY!!!

Have news to add or something to share with your classmates?

  • If you have any news, messages, announcements of individual reunions, or anything else you would like to have posted, please use the "LANCER CLASS FORUM" button on the left navigation bar or Click here.  The more active you are, the better the site will be!!! If you have any issues, please Contact Us and we will be happy to handle for you.
  • The Lancer Class News Forum page is a "free form" style page without specific topics, however,  please refrain from any negative or controversial comments (like religion, politics, hate speeches or links to these subjects, etc.).  Select the "post response" button to add your comment. Have fun!! It is at this location that you can provide updates regarding your personal website business or foundations, or any charities you support.  You can also list your website on your profile page. The idea is to lift up and support all our alumni and share our experiences and opportunities with each other.


** THE LHS REUNION COMMITTEE DOES NOT ENDORSE OR SUGGEST ANY SPECIFIC BUSINESS. To keep our costs down, there are ads on this website. THIS WILL BE AT YOUR OWN DECISION TO MAKE CONTACT.  Also, the website administrator will review content added and remove any inappropriate comments, although it is doubtful any of our Lancers will post anything that we would not like to see!!!
