Wilde Lake High School Alumni

Welcome to the Wilde Lake Alumni website!
Please participate in our site and create a profile, check out other classmate profiles, and receive details on reunions. Remember to update your contact information whenever you move or change email addresses.
This site is free for you and run by other alumni. I've set up an Apparel store through Apparel Now so that we can re-coup some of the domain hosting costs ($20/year)
We still need graduation lists from the years 1973-1979 and 1999-2020. We would also love to have the senior yearbook pictures. If you have a yearbook and would be willing to scan the senior pictures for your year, we will crop them and upload them to the profiles. Thanks!
If you're planning a reunion for your graduating class and would like to use this site to get the word out and collect registrations\payment for your event, click contact us and the administrators of the site would be glad to help you get started.