Carol Rabak Zalac

Profile Updated: January 26, 2008
Carol Rabak
Residing In: Plattsville, ON Canada
Spouse/Partner: Marinika
Occupation: Hairstylist, stay at home mom for now
Children: Abigail - 5
Austin - 8
Yes! Attending Reunion

Moved to Kitchener and got married in 1991. Worked as a Hairstylist for a few years, and then bought the salon. Did that until 1998, and then we moved to McAllen, Texas, as far south as you can go in the US, ahh No snow, yeah.... Marinika was part of a factory start up team, along with 12 others from ATS that moved down there as well. Started a family, and I stayed at home with the kids. Kept putting off returning back to Ontario as long as possible and to stay in the tropics just a little longer. We managed to stay until 2005, came back to the Kitchener area and back to the snow. I am still at home, in the process of getting back into the business.My husband's ATS division closed down, and he went to work at Labatt's and then took a position at Toyota Bushuko.

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Carol Rabak Zalac has a birthday today.
Apr 08, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Carol Rabak Zalac has a birthday today.
Apr 08, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Carol Rabak Zalac has a birthday today.
Apr 08, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Carol Rabak Zalac has a birthday today.
Apr 08, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Carol Rabak Zalac has a birthday today.
Apr 08, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Carol Rabak Zalac has a birthday today.
Apr 08, 2015 at 4:33 AM