Jim Hamilton Facebook

Profile Updated: June 2, 2009
Residing In: Houston, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Beth (Besson) Hamilton
Occupation: Speaker, Author, Humorist
Homepage: http://www.thejameshamilton.com
Children: 3 teenage sons: Shane, Colin, & Brennon
Class Year: 1979
Yes! Attending Reunion

Traveled U.S. with Sam's Club. 10 years in Atlanta, Georgia where all of our children were born. Worked for SHELL Oil Company for 5 years doing executive training/development sessions.

School Story:

Didn't leave the band hall/music building much. Focused on becoming a jazz performer and classical composer...but, hey, life happens!

What have you always wanted to do that you haven't done yet?

Visit family in Ireland.

Still have family in the Judson area?

Yes: Parents never made it out of Universal City

What did you do after high school?

College: North Texas State University,
San Antonio College, and University of Texas San Antonio

Nicknames in school:


Nicknames now:


How many grandchildren?


What do you do in your spare time?




High points of your life since high school:

married with children.

Anything you know now that you wish you knew then?

no, it would have ruined the surprise

What would we be surprised to know about you?

If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise!

What kind of vehicle did you drive? Any special stories concerning that car/truck/van, etc.?

The Bat Mobile. It's been featured in a lot of movies about Batman. He always leaves fast food bags in the backseat. It's getting old. Recently, we had the 8-track tape player replaced and put in a CD player.

Who was your favorite band?

Was? Are they dead?

What was the best concert you ever attended?

1979 Judson jazz band and choir's tribute to the history of jazz. In College, we had a chance to play in Preservation Hall in New Orleans. Learned a lot from hte masters of Dixieland.

What were your favorite movies or TV shows?

Then? Didn't watch T.V. much at all. Now? Comedy Central, Dave Letterman, and the History Channel.

Have you ever traveled to any exotic locales?


Have any pet peeves about life/people you'd like to discuss?

No, but with one caveat:
Participate: It doesn't last forever.

Ever met any famous or notable people?


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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:39 PM