Terriah Clark Zuschlag-Hunt Photos /website missing

Profile Updated: September 1, 2009
Terriah Clark
Residing In: Gainesville, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Kenneth Hunt
Occupation: Nurse
Children: Jennifer, Caitlyn & Cathleen Zuschlag
Class Year: 1980
Yes! Attending Reunion
Still have family in the Judson area?


What did you do after high school?

Got married x 3, had 3 children (the youngest are twins), went to college (after the age of 40) and now am a nurse. Better late than never.

How many grandchildren?


What do you do in your spare time?

Read, cook, sew, internet



High points of your life since high school:

Birth of children. College degree.

Anything you know now that you wish you knew then?

Don't get married immediately out of high school. College is not as hard as I thought it was.

What kind of vehicle did you drive? Any special stories concerning that car/truck/van, etc.?

Dodge P/U

Who was your favorite band?

Air Supply

What was the best concert you ever attended?

Garth Brooks

What were your favorite movies or TV shows?

Anything involving forensics

Ever met any famous or notable people?

Bill Clinton
