First Visit? Read Me

Welcome to the Copley High School Class of 1969 webpage. If you are a classmate and this is your first visit, please take a few moments to create an account. By creating an account you will be able to fully participate in the class activities on this page which include creating your profile, viewing the profiles of other classmates, registering for class events, uploading pictures, and sending messages to other classmates among many other activities designed to keep you in touch with your friends (long lost and otherwise) from our High School Class. Also know that you are classified as "missing" until you create an account and profile on this webpage. Even if you have previously submitted your information to a committee member, you are the only one who can register on the website and create a profile. So please do so!

When you create your profile please pay attention to the three privacy questions at the end of the application. How you choose to check those boxes will determine how your information is displayed on this webpage. If you have questions about registration, privacy or anything else, please email me ( and I will be pleased to assist you with whatever question or questions you may have. Our plan is to continue to use this site in the future to keep track of classmates and plan our future reunions and activites. We also ask for your input in terms of news and events in your life that you would like to share with the class. I will post those in the announcement section on the Home page. If you have suggestions for the website please let us know!

...and don't forget to "scroll down" on all site pages to make sure you don't miss anything!