Dr. Ken Albrecht

Profile Updated: January 16, 2024
Residing In: Bartlett, IL USA
Spouse/Partner: Lizbeth
Occupation: Medical Doctor - Internal Medicine
Children: I could not fit my story into the comment section so I broke it up into 3 part sections below:

PART More…1


Since I would much rather listen to the life stories of my other classmates than talk about my own, I thought I would get “my talking part” out of the way by putting my story into my profile page.

Family and Children:
Since my 3rd year of college I have had one continuous marriage with Liz of 42 years. Based upon what you are about to read; you will see why everyone refers to her as a “saint”. Since my first year of residency, we have been fortunate in that Liz has always been able to be a stay-at-home-mom. My children will also tell you that I was always there for them, and that I never missed an event that was meaningful to them.

Our marriage is blessed with 3 girls and 1 boy. Put another way, we had all boys except for 3 girls. We also have 3 grandsons.

Jennifer- graduated St. Mary’s Norte Dame. NCA cheerleader. Middle school teacher of biology and library Science.

Michelle – graduated from University of Chicago and Chicago Kent School of Law. She received her top honor law degree.

Brad graduated from the University of Chicago in finance as is currently managing the personal family fund of the Motorola family.

Ashley graduated from Illinois State in sociology and psychology and is working on her master’s degree in school social work.

After 12 years of training, which started in Long Beach California (1), Northern Illinois University (4), University of Cincinnati Medical School (4) with combined PhD program in Clinical Pharmacology, and University of Michigan Internship and Residency (3). I received my medical degree in Internal Medicine.


After being known as the most traveled resident of the University of Michigan in searching for the place to establish my practice, Liz wanted to go back to Illinois to be close to our families, and convinced me into joining a 44-man group in Aurora, Illinois.

As a new physician into the real world, one of my great ambitions was to find an answer to resolve a feeling that was common throughout the health care industry; patients all too often felt like they where just a number lost in the health care system. There was obvious patient dissatisfaction with how they were being treated and or mistreated.

So, while in Aurora I established the foundation of what is now known as A.P.P.L.E. Medical Network - U.S.A. It is created as model of how healthcare should be delivered in American today. AP.P.L.E. stands for Associated Professionals for Personal Life Enhancement - a personalized approach to healthcare; more on this later.

After 4 years in Aurora, my mentor offered me a tremendous opportunity to be one of the medical directors for the largest company on the planet earth, AT&T in Naperville, Illinois. When the federal government broke up AT&T two years later, I took that patient population and established a medical practice in Naperville.

Not long after, managed care came into medicine and significantly started to disrupt the doctor - patient relationship. To counter the movement I became a pivotal founding physician of the Naperville Physicians’ Association. From the ground up, I was able to bring 125 independent physicians together. I was elected president and CEO.

Shortly after, because of my interest in bridging the gap between the business world and medicine field, I was presented the opportunity to be a physician for Common Wealth Edison (ComEd), now known as Exelon. I was specifically assigned to care for the employees and operators of the nuclear reactors.

ComEd brought a wonderful experience to my life. Not only was the nuclear side of the business fun and challenging, I had more time and money to pursue a number of other interests.

One of those interests was the major motion picture film industry. The second was that through all of my life, and to this current day, I continue as a professional drummer in the development of a new band and a new music venue for the entertainment industry.

The timing of my involvement in the movie industry could not have been better because it came just about the time of the ComEd breakup and the medical department was eliminated.

Now that might sound like a bad thing, but for me it was great because I had been with ComEd for approximately 7 years. I was offered an opportunity to receive full retirement including medical coverage for the rest of my life. I was only 55 at the time. It came just when I hoped I would be able to have my “first retirement”.

This was about the year 2000. I had time to enjoy a number of wonderful adventures. Liz and I took trips to the Caribbean, Hawaii (two times) and multiple ski trips, family included. I can’t forget multiple trips to Disney World with the kids and the Disney Cruise.


I have always been interested in the feature film movie and entertainment industry. I had a great contact in the industry through a patient of mine, a renowned property master, Bill Dambra. Through our friendship I became a consultant to the feature film industry. My first consulting movie was the Fugitive with Harrison Ford. After that movie, I consulted on almost every movie that came to Chicago as well as some others in America.

It was great to go on set, meet the actors and play a roll in the movie making business. During my frequent time of being on the set, I met many other interesting people. I specifically remember during the shooting of the movie Barber Shop that I was given the opportunity to start a new product placement company. It became known as PEP (Product Exposure and Placement).

PEP was a great opportunity. I was a principal shareholder, the president and CEO and my son Brad was elected chief financial officer. You might wonder why this phase of my life was so exciting. Well, I got the chance to read just above every screenplay that was written for feature films coming out of Hollywood.

In case you are not too familiar with product placement, it involves just about everything you see in a movie and particularly about everything an actor or actress wears or touches during the making of a movie.

During all of this, I also had the opportunity to do more with the movie business in major movie locations in the country from Hollywood to Time Square, New York. Because of my interest in the movie industry and fascinations with movies in general, one thing led to another and I asked myself if I could see myself writing a screenplay.

It was not long after that I found myself in a screenplay writing school in Chicago. Not only did this help me read the screenplays coming out of Hollywood for our PEP business, it also was the start for my first screenplay.

Actually, the influence for my first screenplay surprisingly started in high school. Not only did the idea come to me in high school, but I actually stated writing it during my junior year of high school. Many of you might well remember the event. The leading male character was me and the female supporting actor was, you got it …. Nina Hoekstra. Does that strike a high school memory with you? The details are all gathered in the notes, student interviews that were recorded on tape (which I still have) in addition to the notes handed back and forth as we used to do in those high school days. The title that I gave to the screenplay may bring back a more vivid memory as to what the screenplay is all about – SINDERELLA. I tell you, it was certainly one of the most memorable moments of my high school memories.


My second screenplay came many years later. The influence came from my medical doctor experience at ComEd. I was awestruck by my awareness of the awesome power and vulnerability of nuclear power plants during the time I was a physician for ComED. Add that experience to my fascination of studying what happened at Three Mile Island, and I felt compelled in the writing of a screenplay for a feature film.

This movie, I soon learned would be the prequel to a major event in America’s history – 911. The screenplay I wrote predicted the 911 disaster and the Enron collapse. I only pitched the movie one time and pushed it no further because I and others felt the storyline would precipitate something like 911. And sure enough 911 did happen anyway. In all honesty, based upon what I had written to date, 911 was not a surprise to me.

Many of you may well know that the initial Al-Qaida plan was not the World Trade Center, rather to takeover and blowup a nuclear power plant. Thus, giving you the hint that this screenplay was about such a possibility. My writing of the Enron collapse in this movie had to do with all that was about to happen in the lives of baby boomers; instability, unpredictability and uncertainty.

In moving on to my next screenplay…. In screenwriting school, I learned about the key components that make a movie great. Those are interesting people, doing interesting things, in interesting places and a movie that has never been done before.

I looked a my life at the time and asked myself, “what is going on in my life that I am passionate about and fits that criteria for which another screen play could be written?”

Well, it was about this time in my life that long-term fascination with fireworks became center stage.

The short of it is that I got the unique opportunity to join the Bartolotta Fireworks Team as a pyrotechnic. I received my training and license through the PGI (Pyrotechnic Ian’s Guild International). I had the experience of being the “white boy” of the Italian Bartollatta family. I learned the art of the fireworks business through the stories of the young and old duffers of the family with more than 55 years of experience in the fireworks industry.

That being said, hearing all the family and friend stories of pyrotechnic fun, excitement, danger, death and near death experiences was great. I had the fantastic fun opportunity to set up, load, fire and as they say in the business,” blow that shit up” was incredibly fascinating. I too soon had my own stories and near death experiences.

During one night of a shoot, I saw the excitement on the faces and heard the voices of some “newbies” on location standing next to me at GROUND ZERO during the shoot. When one of them said to me, ”You just have to be here, this close, to see and hear this stuff blow up to see what fireworks are all about”… well hearing that and understanding that I had those same thoughts during my initial experiences at GROUND ZERO lead to the idea of another major motion picture idea.

I pitched the concept of the movie idea to the Bartolatta family and got their approval to do the movie. The storyline is about the family business, their stories, death and survival, the industry, the fascination that many people have with fireworks and my own experiences of being on the team at … well hence the name of the movie…GROUND ZERO.


The third screenplay is about the fascination of fashion and beauty industry as seen through the eyes of a conflicted late teenage girl needing to choose between college or going to the school of beauty and cosmetology. Her choice of finally leaving college and going to the SALON takes her on an unexpected career path to stardom.


After my first 3 years of retirement, I felt the need to finish what I have started in my medical career.

I looked at the medical industry and tried to find where the new frontier opportunity was in the continued downward spiral of the healthcare system. I discovered that the model of health care that I created in the main stream of medicine was a perfect fit for a community based home health system.

Where you might ask did we bring out this model healthcare system? Well over the last several years we brought it to Crystal Lake, Woodstock and the McHenry areas. It works fantastically well. Patients love it. Providers love it. It’s an everybody wins type of healthcare delivery system. In all honesty it started in the beginning of my career. The goal has always been to create a model system of how healthcare should be delivered in America today.

The groundwork is now laid to roll out system for reduplication to the rest of the country. We are looking at Arizona, Nevada, Utah and Florida as the first states outside of Illinois.


As many of you might remember in high school, I played drums in my band.

I can remember when I was 5 years old, I started by playing on pots and pans in my Mom’s cupboard. I got it all from my father who was a drummer and taught me to play. I got my first set when I was 7 years old.

So how does this relate to high school? I just finished 8th grade and was getting ready to go to high school just like all of you. I just happened to be standing on the corner across the street from Dick Schneider’s house by Crystal Lake High school, on a beautiful summer day, and while talking to a beautiful cheerleader with a pair of drumsticks in my hand….it was just at that time a white new convertible GTO (really hot car at the time) pulls up on the corner and fours guys say to me, “you by chance know a good drummer?”

Well, that was one of the biggest moments of my life. I left the cheerleader on the corner and went professional in my first year of high school. Nearly every weekend, the band played throughout northern Illinois and Chicago in night clubs and for weddings and parties.

- Yes, for that reason, I was always the last one to show up at any high school parties.

As mentioned earlier, during my first retirement from ComEd, I had the opportunity to pursue other interests. I had the long time desire from when I first started playing drums to play with the best most popular bands. This was no different I would guess from a kid or adult who played baseball and wanted to play in the major league. I chose however to be a doctor. But at the same time I never stopped playing drums in other bands and other venues and the desire to play with the best continued.

Playing with the best became more of a reality, when my children got interested in music, and I taught them to play the way I learned. Well one thing lead to another and through working with the kids, a whole new venue for entertainment in the music industry was created. Because of intellectual properties rights and patents, etc, disclosure is not possible at this time. Here however is a hint. It is an alternative to Karaoke.


Memories too numerous to mention, but the one that stands out most…

The Chris Jones All Night Party:
Who is the one that woke me up at 3:30 in the morning while I was sleeping on the floor and said, “Nina Hoekstra’s father is on the phone and he wants to talk with you!” Who was that person?

Some of you probably remember what happened next. I was in the police department with my parents. Then all things really got crazy.

In looking back, it was this event that actually led to my screenwriting career, as mentioned earlier in this document.

- Endless list but have to mention…
- The Dave Brubeck Quartet and all our favorite music and bands from soul to the Beatles

School Story:



Well lets get to some of things that reminds you of what life is really all about…

Although some of you might think that sharing such experiences might be a bit unusual, I believe being at the edge of life puts a little different perspective on how one looks at life while still having the opportunity to be alive. I would think this is most remarkably true after one has survived military battle. Such is to say, there are those in our class who may have gone to Vietnam and survived.

So here you go. To start out this section let me just say this. I don’t know about you, but there are two things I have never done in my life:

1) I have never been pregnant.
2) I have never been in the military (almost – see below)

That being said, here you go…

+ Blood poisoning – high school- I stepped on a rusty nail – hospitalized with sepsis and temp of 106 – I recalled an out of body experience floating above my hospital bed and remember writing a death note to my Mom and Dad and placing it under my pillow.

+ Fell through the ice and was only saved by my canteen being caught on the ice edge.

+ Lost in a cold wet forest for two days deer hunting.

+ Head on collision 3RD year medical school - head on collision with an overpass. My family was in the car. Was thrown from the car. 18-wheeler semi missed my head by inches. Had broken collarbone and concussion. For the week following I did not even know what year I was in medical school. Short of a few bruises, the rest of my family and baby daughter Jennifer were fine.

+ 12-gauge shotgun accidently went off while I was in my car in the middle of the night preparing for a deer hunt.

+ Lost in riptide and dragged out to sea while surfing off the cost of Clearwater Beach

+ Near drowning and near capsized boat experience when caught in the middle of a night time raging storm. I was in the 180 foot deep part of Lake Geneva night fishing.

+ Fireworks misfire explosion 20 feet away from me while shooting a pyrotechnical show July 4th

+ Forest Fire – I was deer hunt camping in the middle of a forest and woke up in a forest fire all around me.

+ 72 Hours on Duty – I was a resident at the University of Michigan. After 72 hours on duty managing 7 patients in intensive care, I remember driving home; or at least trying to drive home. I was so tired while driving, I missed the same exit 3 times. Finally I reached the longest stop light in the state of Michigan just when it turned red. Even though I was at a stop light I thought, if I just put the car in “park” I could get some sleep. Well, I fell asleep so fast while shifting I only made it to the letter “R.” I woke up 1000 feet away from the stop light, and the Chinese guy in back of me, who I happen to crash into, was not too happy.

+ Vietnam - Having never been in the military, I not too long ago thought I would consider enlisting in the air-force reserve as flight surgeon. I had not told my wife, Liz, much about it. Least to say, the day I was suppose to get my physical (which I now realize is the same day as your enlistment day), I did mention it to her. Liz said, “absolutely no way are you going to do such a thing…”

Needless to say, I did not go for the physical. But more importantly, the very next day was the 911 attack on America’s World Trade Center. Point is, I definitely would have gone off to war as a flight surgeon.

How is this a near death experience? Well it brings up the point that if I did not get accepted to medical school, I would have definitely gone to Vietnam.

Why you say? Well, Liz and I well remember the day they announced the draft into the military on TV (black and white at the time). I was in my 3rd year of college. “A” for Albrecht was #2 in the draft. Had I not been accepted into medical after college (note only 1:5000 got accepted to medical school)….I would have gone to Vietnam.

The point is, I am very much the type of guy that would have stood up in the middle of the jungle and said to the enemy, “Hey guys why don’t we just stop fighting for a minute and talk about what the hell we are doing?”….and of course I would now be dead!

And I would never have the opportunity to make it to a class reunion….

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Dr. Ken Albrecht has a birthday today.
Apr 24, 2024 at 3:33 AM
Jan 16, 2024 at 9:33 AM

Change in email address to DrKenAlbrecht@gmail.com

Jan 16, 2024 at 9:22 AM
Jul 21, 2022 at 10:30 AM

Happy birthday Dick…still have to play golf and go to Red Rocks!

Apr 21, 2014 at 8:34 AM

So you are a Taurus also! Happy Birthday . How has that affected your life? Dr. Ken

Dr. Ken Albrecht added a comment on his Profile. New comment added.
Jul 21, 2014 at 7:24 AM

Posted on: Mar 09, 2014 at 8:38 PM

Rick & Marggi married in Lake Tahoe 6/11/2012
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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:35 PM
There were too many family members to fit in one picture so I chose this one.