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Forum: 40 Year Reunion Photos


40 Year Reunion Photos!

Created on: 09/27/09 05:13 PM Views: 4274 Replies: 14
40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:13 PM

Hi Classmates!

Sorry - just getting online to do some work here as I've not been near an internet connection long enough to do this since we met in CL.

Anyone want to share your reunion photos? We sure hope you will and this is the place to do it! Here's the process:

  1. Go to BLOGS Come Join Us! tab at the top of the webpage.
  2. Click 40 Year Reunion Forum.
  3. At this point we only have one topic but we can arrange these photos in whatever topics we want. Just start a new topic for a certain grouping of photos. I may have to reorganize them at some point but go for it now!
  4. Write whatever you wish and then click the image button on the top Menu Bar in your message and browse for whatever photos you want to post.
  5. Try and post the names of those in the photos so all will know who they are. At some point, we will probably make a slide show of selected photos and post them under one of the menu selections on the left meun bar.
  6. That's it for now!

Hope you all had a wonderful time at the reunion. When should we do this again? Some are already suggesting short term local reunions in CL from time to time and I thought we could also probably do these in other states where there are reasonable sized groupings of classmates (Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Wisconsin). Would anyone be interested in either of these? And now the $1 million question - who wants to organize them? 

Paul Fruin

Edited 09/27/09 12:20 PM
RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Sunday, September 27, 2009 10:23 PM

Hey Paul, you guys did a great job.  Looking forward to seeing the photos from everyone.  Susies were really good.  Well done my friend.

RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Tuesday, September 29, 2009 05:40 PM

The best times ------

Paul you are a natural, consider running for any office! STRIKE THAT IDEA!

Like the thought of some place different for what ever the next will be, but friends don't invite friends to AZ in the summertime. perhaps something with warm water and sunshine and drinks with little umbrellas



RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Wednesday, September 30, 2009 09:08 AM



We had a great time and thanks again for all the work the team did.

Mary Jo posted a Shutterfly photo slide show, ask her for the link.

Mary Jo, me, Judy Zink, John & Liz Dewey, Sandy Davies all said they'd help with the picnic


Tom Farrell



Edited 09/30/09 09:09 AM
RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Wednesday, September 30, 2009 06:26 PM


Whatever i can do to facilitate a summer event let me know. 



RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Wednesday, September 30, 2009 06:27 PM



That is  "whatever I can do to  facilitate in helping " with the event let me know.


RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Saturday, October 3, 2009 06:26 PM

Hi all,

I would be more than happy to organize a summer get-together for all of us living within reasonable driving range from CL. We can even have it at my house on Woodstock St. I have a great yard and love to have people come over--

I need to work on some sort of master listing of everyone's names and addresses--Paul--I'm sure one of you worker-bees must have a master list somewhere--please share!!!

It was a great reunion and I hope that we will be able to organize a 45th reunion for the whole class--

I was at The Cottage last night for a while. It was just sold to some guy who wants to change it into an Irish pub or something. Sure hope they don't change it much--a lot of the "townies" will be really upset. I can't imagine The Cottage being any different than it is now--

Hope to hear from you soon--


Edited 10/03/09 06:28 PM
RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Sunday, October 4, 2009 11:27 AM


I know The Cottage was taken over by Wayne Neuman's family after he died. He was in the class of 67 I think. Maybe they feel it's time to move on...hope they keep the name but as we all know...change happens.

Yes, we have a master list.  However, could be lots of additions (we hope) before next Summer. We can update when the time is closer. Thanks for offering your home.

Would be great...or Vets acres is always an option -we would just have to pick a date and reserve the covered area.......

I'm not in guys are welcome to organize. I will definitely come as long as the date works for Kar and I.


RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Sunday, October 4, 2009 12:49 PM

Everyone did a great Job. Hope we can have another one in 5 years. Probably won't be able to make it to the annual picnics. 

RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Tuesday, October 6, 2009 03:32 PM

My wife, Pam, took some photos of homecoming parade

RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Tuesday, October 6, 2009 03:34 PM


RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Thursday, October 8, 2009 12:08 PM

Ordered your book yesterday. Can't wait to get it! (autographed and all :)   )

RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Thursday, October 8, 2009 07:45 PM

Thanks, Susie. We just finished an interview tonight about "The Solie Chronicles" which will be in Mike Monneyham's column in the Charleston-Post Courier site on Sunday. Fortunately, he loved the book and is well respected in the world of pro wrestling. He was co-author of a New York Times Best Seller a few years back.

BTW, Pam and I just watched you on TV with the first time home were awesome! That had to be a lot of fun. Good job! We'll be anxious to hear any inside details that you can share about the experience.

RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Wednesday, October 14, 2009 06:28 AM


If you'd like, I can assemble a Shutterfly account that all can access. If they want their photos posted they can send them to me at my email address.



RE: 40 Year Reunion Photos!
Posted Wednesday, October 14, 2009 10:00 AM

Thanks Tom and my apologies for the delay - to all! A few of us are working right now to create specific directions for all to post to a Snapfish account and then we'll link some of them at this site as well. We appreciate your patience just a little bit longer and please everyone get your photos ready to upload and caption them with the names of the individuals in the photos! Thanks!


Paul Fruin

